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Looking for a marketing tip for your wellness business, a success strategy, or a bit of inspiration for living well? I’ve been blogging about wellness, business, and life in general since 2011 … chances are, you’re going to find what you need here.
Inspiration for fabulous success & a life well-lived.
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Life isn’t easy, and sometimes, it gets the better of us. I know firsthand how overwhelming it can feel when everything is spiraling out of control. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and like your life is out of your control right now, know that you’re not alone, and you won’t stay in this place forever. Life […]
When I was a medical student, I loved surgery. The operating room experience is like nothing else, and there’s something deeply satisfying about solving a problem so definitively. Tumor? You cut it out. Infection? You drain it. Voila. Problem solved. Also, there’s the ritual of the OR: the washing of hands, the donning of sterile […]
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I get a lot of headaches. Everyone manifests their stress in different ways (crappy sleep, for example, or an irritable gut…) but I carry mine squarely in my neck and shoulder muscles. Which, consequently, translates to frequent tension headaches. I’ve also had the distinct displeasure, in recent years, of experiencing migraines. Now that’s some nasty pain. I have newfound sympathy for […]
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How many of us start the day running before our feet hit the floor? Are your mornings a frazzled mess? Instead of lurching into your waking hours and figuring things out as you go, maybe you need to consider a more…intentional approach. Starting the day on the right foot has psychic repercussions that carry through […]
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Have I mentioned how much I love yoga? I recommend yoga so often to patients, I’m almost getting tired of hearing myself gush about it. But really, if you’re looking to improve your health–physical, mental, or emotional–it’s hard to go wrong with yoga. Here’s my roundup of all the beautiful ways yoga can help you: 1. Chronic Back Pain. Studies […]
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I love yoga. There are so many reasons yoga is good for you. And it’s interesting that physicians are increasingly “prescribing” it as a therapeutic intervention for their patients. Count me as one of those physicians! Yoga has been shown to be beneficial for a wide variety of health concerns. Not to mention the somewhat […]
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A new study found that celery (specifically, luteolin, a compound found within celery) had brain-boosting power in older mice. Yes, celery. So this got me thinking: are there other things you can do to upgrade your smarty-pants quotient? You betcha. Omega-3 fatty acids are well-known to boost brain function. This, in addition to all the other health benefits of omega-3, […]
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It’s true. There’s this little thing you can do to bring all of the above benefits into your life. What is this magic pill, you ask? Meditation. Now before you groan/roll your eyes/click back to facebook…just hear me out. I know meditation may seem a bit flaky to you, or maybe too spiritual, or maybe too […]
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As a general guideline, if there’s something in life that allows me to embrace my inner princess, I’m good with it. And sleep is one of those things. Think about it: have you ever noticed how often fairytales feature people sleeping? Snow White falls into a deep sleep after tasting the poisoned apple. Elves cobble shoes while […]
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A frantic workday sends you to the brink of collapse…but it’s not just that. A stack of ironing drains your energy, but still, it’s not just that (because let’s be honest, can anyone finish the ironing without fading?). The thing is, last weekend you were too exhausted to meet your girlfriends for brunch. And yesterday […]
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Life isn’t easy, and sometimes, it gets the better of us. I know firsthand how overwhelming it can feel when everything is spiraling out of control. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and like your life is out of your control right now, know that you’re not alone, and you won’t stay in this place forever. Life […]
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Four years ago, I made the scariest (and most freeing) decision of my life: walking away from my six-figure career as a doctor. At the time, I didn’t have a map of what came next. It was a HUGE leap into the unknown. Fast forward to today, and what I’ve gained has been nothing short […]
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There’s an old story that always sticks in my mind about a traveler who comes across three bricklayers hard at work. The traveler approaches the first bricklayer and asks, “What are you doing?” The worker replies, “I’m laying bricks.” He asks the second guy the same thing, who says, “I’m building a wall.” Then he […]
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Looking back on my 20s feels like opening a treasure chest of lessons. That decade was a whirlwind of excitement, opportunity, and growth, but it also came with its fair share of uncertainty and missteps. If I could sit down with my 20-year-old self, there’s so much I’d want to share—advice that could have spared […]
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We all know money troubles can take a toll on our mental health, but did you realize they can affect every area of your life? The stress of financial uncertainty influences the choices we make, often at the expense of our physical health and overall wellbeing. This week, I’m diving into the hidden ways financial […]
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What if I told you the biggest obstacle to transforming your life isn’t a lack of goals or effort? Most people think the answer to change lies in setting more goals or simply working harder. While those things can help, they’re not what drives true, lasting transformation. The secret? It’s all about your identity — […]
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On the Air
The podcast for people who want to master the art of living well.
I help health & wellness coaches create successful businesses and get a steady stream of new clients, so they can have the freedom, fulfillment, and financial abundance they desire.
Enneagram 3, obsessed with Paris, running, and good coffee.
As an MD-turned-coach, I’m on a mission to provide women with the guidance, support, and tools they need to build wildly successful businesses as health & wellness coaches.
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