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Looking for a marketing tip for your wellness business, a success strategy, or a bit of inspiration for living well? I’ve been blogging about wellness, business, and life in general since 2011 … chances are, you’re going to find what you need here.
Inspiration for fabulous success & a life well-lived.
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Loss is one of the most painful experiences we face in life, yet it’s inevitable. Whether it’s the death of a loved one, the end of a relationship, losing a job, or any other major upheaval, at some point, we all find ourselves navigating the deep, disorienting waves of loss. If you’re in that place […]
The holidays are over, but does that mean your stress has magically gone away? Didn’t think so. Dealing with stress, in my opinion, requires a multi-pronged approach…but not all of those prongs need to be complicated. Over on Yummy Mummy Club, I recently wrote a post about one easy thing you can do. (hint: are you getting […]
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How many of us start the day running before our feet hit the floor? Are your mornings a frazzled mess? Instead of lurching into your waking hours and figuring things out as you go, maybe you need to consider a more…intentional approach. Starting the day on the right foot has psychic repercussions that carry through […]
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It’s ironic, isn’t it? A season that’s meant to be a happy, wonderful time of celebration so often ends up being stress central. A lot of holiday stress has to do with over-commitment. Most of us have pretty full plates to begin with. Throw a bunch of extra stuff in there…where is that extra time supposed to come from? There’s little […]
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Stress can be sneaky. Sure, sometimes, it’s obvious (to you and, er, to pretty much everyone around you) that you’re under stress. But sometimes…not so much. It can creep up and cause all manner of symptoms that you wouldn’t, at first, attribute to stress. And your brain can do a pretty good job denying the effect […]
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Have I mentioned how much I love yoga? I recommend yoga so often to patients, I’m almost getting tired of hearing myself gush about it. But really, if you’re looking to improve your health–physical, mental, or emotional–it’s hard to go wrong with yoga. Here’s my roundup of all the beautiful ways yoga can help you: 1. Chronic Back Pain. Studies […]
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I talk a lot about stress here on Savvy Health, but I recently started using the term Stress Ninja and I must say it’s kinda growing on me. Anyway, today I’m going to talk about a stress management strategy that is pretty key. Not the easiest thing to master, but one with powerful effect. And […]
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Do you eat for comfort? If we’re honest, we can all say yes to this question, from time to time at least. The RARE indulgence (say, for example, a nose-dive into a pint of Haagen-Dazs dulce de leche in front of an open freezer door after ending a 4.5-year-long toxic relationship with a total narcissist and cat-hater…ahem…) is not going to […]
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Not only does stress make life unpleasant, it makes you grumpy, fat , and it interferes with sleep . And that’s before we get into the really serious stuff (like: increased risk of heart disease, stroke, depression, diabetes…) There’s no doubt stress affects us on the inside. Did you know it also can affect your outer appearance? […]
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When I’m stressed, I fantasize about escaping to the spa for a nice long massage. Or getting centered at the yoga studio with a luxurious 90-minute class. Or crawling into bed for an afternoon nap. But there’s one problem: who’s got the time for all that? Trouble is, my stress is often there specifically because […]
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Loss is one of the most painful experiences we face in life, yet it’s inevitable. Whether it’s the death of a loved one, the end of a relationship, losing a job, or any other major upheaval, at some point, we all find ourselves navigating the deep, disorienting waves of loss. If you’re in that place […]
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Research shows that the quality of our relationships directly impacts our health, happiness, and even lifespan. An 85-year Harvard study found that people with strong, meaningful connections tend to live longer and feel more fulfilled. In other words, relationships aren’t just a nice addition to life; they’re a crucial part of it. But here’s the […]
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Do you often feel like there are not enough hours in the day? Are you constantly rushing around and juggling multiple things, yet your to-list never seems to get any shorter? I know this feeling all too well. I was always racing against the clock, trying to stay in control. But everything changed when I […]
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Did you know that 72% of adults feel stressed about money? It’s true! Almost three-quarters of us worry about our finances. But what’s more shocking than that figure is the detrimental effects money stress has on our health. Worrying about money (or rather lack of it) can cause chronic stress, poor sleep, and even physical […]
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Life isn’t easy, and sometimes, it gets the better of us. I know firsthand how overwhelming it can feel when everything is spiraling out of control. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and like your life is out of your control right now, know that you’re not alone, and you won’t stay in this place forever. Life […]
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Four years ago, I made the scariest (and most freeing) decision of my life: walking away from my six-figure career as a doctor. At the time, I didn’t have a map of what came next. It was a HUGE leap into the unknown. Fast forward to today, and what I’ve gained has been nothing short […]
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The podcast for people who want to master the art of living well.
I help health & wellness coaches create successful businesses and get a steady stream of new clients, so they can have the freedom, fulfillment, and financial abundance they desire.
Enneagram 3, obsessed with Paris, running, and good coffee.
As an MD-turned-coach, I’m on a mission to provide women with the guidance, support, and tools they need to build wildly successful businesses as health & wellness coaches.
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