
When Is The Right Time To Start Building Your Coaching Business?

July 2, 2020

I’m Kim.
I’m an M.D.-turned-entrepreneur and I’m dedicated to helping you build your dream career + lifestyle. Welcome to my blog, where I write (and podcast) about wellness, business + success!
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If you’ve been dreaming about starting your coaching business but you’re worried it’s not quite the right time … then this post (and podcast episode) is definitely for you. Many aspiring entrepreneurs hold themselves back because the timing is bad, they’re “too busy”, they don’t know enough yet, or they’re “not ready”. 

But here’s the truth: if you’re asking “when will it be the right time?” then you’re asking the wrong question.

In this episode I talk about what you really need to understand to get you out of “stall-mode” and get started on your coaching business … and how to identify when the time is right.

By the way, if you’d rather listen than read, here’s where you can tune in to this episode:

Now, before we get started…I want to invite you to my free online training called: The 4-Part Formula For Replacing Your 9-5 Income With A Coaching Business You Love, and that’s exactly what I teach you, inside the class. There has never been a better time to pursue your dreams of a business that gives you freedom, flexibility, and fulfillment — plus the ability to work from the comfort and safety of your own home — and I teach you my exact system for doing that inside this free training.

So let’s dive into today’s topic!

How Do You Know If You’re Ready To Start Building A Coaching Business?

I’ve had a couple of conversations with people recently … aspiring coaches who have expressed that although they do have dreams of starting a coaching business, that they feel like maybe it’s not a great time for them to get started, because they’ve got a lot on their plate at the moment, or because the economy isn’t great, or maybe they’re not quite ready.

Some people are a little more introspective about it, and have taken an honest look at their reasons and are able to say, right out, that they’re afraid of making a mistake or that they’ll change their mind, or that they won’t be very good at it, in the beginning. 

And here’s the situation: all of those fears and concerns are totally legit. They are well-founded issues. Yes, I have zero doubt that you’re super busy. The economy is not looking good at the moment. And yes, you will probably make some mistakes when you get started, and you probably won’t be very good at the beginning.

That’s because this is called: being a human! And in particular, being a beginner. 

When I first started building my coaching business I was a hot mess. I didn’t know the first thing about coaching — I was a bossy doctor who had been trained to just prescribe and tell people what to do! 

I also had no idea what I was doing from a business standpoint. I didn’t know the first thing about being an entrepreneur. I had no idea how to create offers, design a brand, market myself … none of it. And I also changed my mind a bunch of times. I changed strategies, I changed my offerings … so many things evolved and changed as I tweaked and re-evaluated and pivoted. This is all part of the growth process. Anyone who has built a successful business, and is being honest about it, will tell you the same thing. 

And this hesitation to wait, until things are just right — the right life stage, when you don’t have so many things on your plate, when your kids are in school, or maybe when your kids are *out* of school, maybe when the economy picks back up again, when it’s not an election year in the US, or when you feel more clear about your niche, or have finished another certification program … this is a false quest, my friend.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there will NEVER be a right time. You will never feel fully ready.

At this point I have worked with dozens and dozens of women who have built successful coaching businesses, in all kinds of niches, health, wellness, life coaching, mindset coaching, business coaching … and also in six different countries at this stage (and counting!), and I have noticed something similar about them all: they ALL started before they felt ready.

This is the most important concept I want you to get out of this episode today, and I can tell you this mantra has really helped me achieve a lot of the things in my life that I have, and it’s this: START BEFORE YOU’RE READY.

I hope this doesn’t get too morbid, here, but I really need to point out that we’re all on the clock. None of us has unlimited time on this earth. And the frightening, but important truth is that if you wait until you feel ready to do the meaningful things, you’re going to be waiting for the rest of your life. 

The problem is that when you’re hesitating and waiting … you’re blaming the wrong things. The enemy isn’t the external circumstances, or your lack of clarity, and it’s not even your fear of making mistakes. 

The real enemy is simply not getting started.

And the very simple way to slay that enemy, is just to get started. Basically, it’s the Nike slogan: just do it.

Because action creates progress, it helps you learn, and it’s the antidote to fear. Taking action helps you gain momentum, and create progress. I love journaling, but there comes a time when you need to put down the journal, stop planning and thinking and dreaming and waiting for the perfect time, and just get out there and get started.

Starting before you’re ready means actually taking action and doing the work. Now, if you want a little more structure for HOW to do this, meaning: how to attract ideal clients, how to know what to charge, how to set up your business so that it’s profitable, then you need to check out my program Business Academy For Coaches. I show you how to do all of this, step-by-step, and of course one of the beautiful things is the incredible support you’ll get by working alongside not just me, but also all the other amazing women who are doing the same thing pursuing their dreams and building a business they love. 

But honestly, even if you don’t join my Academy and you’d rather do this on your own, that’s great too, but just DO it, get into action and start now.

It doesn’t matter what your first step is, you really just need to get started, stop waiting for the perfect time — because there is never a perfect time — and stop waiting for total clarity and for some kind of guarantee that you won’t make any mistakes, and just get down to business.

I believe that every one of us is here with a special set of gifts and a special purpose. And if you feel, right now, that you are being called to be a coach, to build a business, and this is how you are meant to impact the world and make a difference to people, then you have to stop just thinking and dreaming and planning and waiting … and just start doing.

The clock is ticking down for all of us. Before you know it, that time will be up. So don’t wait one more day. Get started right now.

I hope you enjoyed this, I hope it got you fired up to get started before you’re ready — and, honestly, if you’re feeling a combo of excitement and a bit of fear at the moment, that sounds just about right. That’s actually how you should be feeling. 

Now I would love to hear from you … come on over and find me on Instagram or Facebook, and tell me one important thing that you’ve been afraid to start, and then let me know what is one step you can take right now to start before you’re ready.

Guess what? I am now enrolling for my next cohort of my group coaching program, Business Academy for Coaches!

If you would love to be coached and mentored by me, personally, inside a small group of likeminded women who are also building their coaching businesses, then I would love to have you inside the group. If you are craving a really high-vibe, supportive community, if you would love a framework and expert guidance and mentorship … if you’re done with trying to go it alone, and reinvent the wheel when it comes to growing a successful online coaching business, I invite you to check out the Academy. 

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N.B. some links are affiliate links.

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