I’m curious: are you on Instagram?
More importantly: do you feel like you’re using it to your best advantage, to help grow your business and brand? Or…do you feel a little lost?
If you’re in the first camp, that’s awesome!! If you’re in the second…well, you’re not alone.
In my opinion, Instagram is one of the best social media platforms out there for health coaches. But, let’s face it, it can be time-consuming to take photos, format them, write a great caption, and post. So you want all your efforts to be worthwhile, right?
One way to do that: through the strategic use of hashtags.
That’s right, I said STRATEGIC.
If you’re wondering what I mean by that, and what sort of hashtags would be considered “strategic” for a health coach, I’ve created a free guide for you. It’s got a list of 30 top Instagram hashtags for health coaches and wellness entrepreneurs, specifically selected to help grow your visibility and reach on Instagram. And you can go ahead and download it for free–just click on the button below!
Instagram can be fun, but if you’re an entrepreneur or a coach, it needs to be more than fun. It should also help you grow your business and brand–and it can do those things, with a little bit of strategy!