Personal Development

Easy Health Hacks: 3 Celebrity Secrets To A Healthy Lifestyle

June 13, 2024

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I’m an M.D.-turned-entrepreneur and I’m dedicated to helping you build your dream career + lifestyle. Welcome to my blog, where I write (and podcast) about wellness, business + success!
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Are you feeling stuck in life?

Do you ever look at celebrities and wonder how they’re always glowing with vitality?

Is it due to expensive anti-aging treatments, strict diets, or something else?

Well, the good news is that many A-listers swear by super simple health hacks that require no riches or fame.

Yes, that’s right. It’s totally possible to adopt the wellness secrets of many of your favorite celebs. 

But how do you know these celebrity secrets, I hear you ask…

While I’d love to say it’s due to my close connections with them, the truth is that many celebrities freely share their wellness habits and strategies in interviews.

But don’t worry, you don’t have to go searching on YouTube – I’ve done it for you!

So, if you want to learn three simple yet effective health hacks that ANYONE can incorporate into their daily life, read on…

1. The GPS Method

You know when you’re driving in an unfamiliar place and despite following your GPS, you miss a turn?

What does your GPS do?

It reroutes itself. 

It doesn’t turn off or continue to show the missed turning. Instead, it calculates the next best route.

Sure, the new route may take a little longer, but you still reach your destination.

Many celebrities live by this ‘GPS method.’

If they encounter a setback on their health and wellness journey, they don’t just give up and stop trying. 

Instead, they reroute by looking for a solution to the problem.

For example, Elle Macpherson shares that when she turned 50, she realized what she used to do to stay fit and healthy was no longer working.

So instead of blaming menopause and telling herself, “This is how things are going to be now,” Elle sought out an expert to help her find a new route to wellness. 

That’s not to say the new route was quick and easy. Elle tried many new things until she found what would work for her new body and situation. 

So, the takeaway from this celebrity secret is this – Adopt a growth mindset and believe things CAN improve. 

With this belief, you’re much more likely to try new things and find a solution than simply give up. 

Let’s move on to the second health hack…

2. The Tortoise Technique

The tortoise technique is about prioritizing health in a RELAXED way.

If it sounds counterintuitive, think about the story of the Tortoise and the Hare. 

While the hare was much faster than the tortoise, the hare sprinted, then stopped and rested. Although the tortoise was much slower, it maintained a steady pace, which is how it won the race. 

So, this health hack is about dispelling the misconception that you must follow a strict diet and fitness regime to reach your health goals.

Interestingly, we believe celebrities do this to maintain their flat stomach, but it’s not the case.

For example, when asked about her diet, Mila Kunis explains that what she eats is determined by what is in her kitchen.

While she generally has healthy things in the fridge, Mila doesn’t follow specific recipes or diets. Like most of us, she literally rustles up a meal with the ingredients she has!

So the takeaway is not to feel bad if you don’t have the time to meal prep or do lengthy workouts; work with what you have!

Five minutes of daily exercise is better than nothing, and eating well five days a week is better than zero days.

This links to Hilary Duff’s 70/30 approach. She tries to do the “right thing” 70% of the time but gives herself leeway to slack off 30% of the time.

Hilary says that by following this approach, she no longer beats herself up or feels like throwing in the towel.

3. The Get It Done Approach

While you should focus on slow, steady progress, this doesn’t mean it’s ok to procrastinate or talk yourself out of things.

One of the most common excuses we use for not meeting our health goals is “I don’t have the time.”

However, celebrities have incredibly demanding schedules yet still manage to incorporate supportive health habits into their daily routines.

So, what is their secret?

They follow the ‘Get It Done Approach,” where they complete their wellness routines as quickly as possible.

For example, Jennifer Garner famously shared her “Quick as Possible” beauty routine with Vogue.

Similarly, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley shared with ‘Elle’ her surprisingly short morning routine. 

Rosie explains that with a young son, she has minimal time to care for her well-being. But she doesn’t allow this to steal her morning routine completely.

Rosie may not have time for a full workout or a long meditation session, but she still makes it a non-negotiable to spend at least a few minutes lying in bed by herself before the busyness of the day begins. 

So, this celebrity health hack is about letting go of the “all-or-nothing mindset.” It is about accepting and working with your current reality to ‘just get it done.’ 

So, if your days feel impossibly busy right now, ask yourself, “What supportive act of self-care can I squeeze into my day to increase my vitality?”

Final Thoughts

As you can see, ANYONE can adopt these celebrity-inspired health secrets. It’s all about approaching your wellness goals with the right mindset.

To learn more about these celebrity health secrets and see the interview clips for yourself, watch the full YouTube video:

Finally, I’d love to know which of these habits you will start incorporating into your life today.

Let me know in the comments below!


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