Are you on Instagram? Do you love it for the wonderful images…but struggle with how to use it to grow your business? Are you unsure what to post? Feel like you don’t have enough ideas?
Then I’ve got a fun event that should be right up your alley. It’s a 14-day Instagram Challenge for health coaches and wellness entrepreneurs, and it’s going to be starting tomorrow! (No time like the present).
It’s VERY simple.
If you’ve never done an Instagram challenge before, no sweat! It’s easy, and fun. In the graphic below, you’ll see there’s one theme for each day, and all you do is post an image that day that has *something* to do what the day’s theme. Basically, it can be anything you want, inspired by the theme, and feel free to get creative! To participate, you DON’T have to post every single day–feel free to jump in on the days you can. (Of course, you’ll get more out of it if you push yourself to do all 14 days, but there’s no pressure!)
If you’ve been meaning to get back on the Instagram train, this could be the push you need. 🙂
Now, it’s important to use the hashtag for the day, and ALSO to use the hashtag #healthcoachsquad, because that way we can all easily see what other participants are posting…and the more you like, comment, and engage on each other’s posts, the happier the Instagram’s algorithm becomes…which means the more our posts will all get pushed out to other follower’s feeds! More visibility for everyone!
Then all you have to do is jump in on day 1, post your own image, and ideally engage with other #healthcoachsquad members’ instagram posts throughout the challenge.
Questions? Need a little more guidance and support? Come over to my Facebook group for health coaches, Health Coach Squad, where I’m organizing everything, and where 100 + other health coaches have jumped on board with the challenge.
And if you’re looking for a little more information about using hashtags, go ahead and download my free resource: 30 Instagram Hashtags for Health Coaches & Wellness Entrepreneurs.