Are you a wellness coach or enthusiast who wants to work fewer hours but make more money AND create more impact?
Creating a health coaching program will HUGELY benefit you and your clients. But how do you go about doing it?
If you’ve been thinking about scaling your coaching business or creating a signature program that will positively change your clients’ lives, you’re in the right place.
In this guide, I’m sharing EVERYTHING you need to know about creating a health coaching program. By the end of this guide, you’ll have the confidence and skills to finally take the leap toward creating a more fulfilling and successful career.
Here’s what I’ll be covering in this article:
- Why Should You Offer A Health Coaching Program?
- Group vs. 1:1 Coaching Programs
- What To Consider When Starting A Health Coaching Program
- The 4-Step Process To Creating A Health Coaching Program
- How To Price Your Coaching Program
Let’s dive in!

Ready to create your signature coaching program?
Build an irresistible health coaching program in no time flat with this easy-to-use Signature Coaching Program Template.
- receive a simple framework and finally kick confusion to the curb
- know exactly what you must include in a signature program that sells like hotcakes (no more guessing!)
- learn the formula for creating a program that will allow you to raise your prices and charge premium rates
- stop wasting time and finally build an irresistible signature coaching program that attracts the perfect clients every time
…and more!
Why Should You Offer A Health Coaching Program?
First, let’s look at how creating a health coaching program will benefit you and your clients.
If you’re already a coach, you’re likely working on a session-by-session basis, selling one session at a time. While this model is not bad, you will find it very hard to hit your income goals and maintain a solid client base.
You see, coaches who sell single sessions typically struggle with retaining clients because there is no commitment on their end. Moreover, as you know, with health and wellness coaching, results take time. So what often happens is this:
You gain a client -> They book a few sessions with you -> They don’t see results, so they don’t book again.
You then have to start marketing like crazy again until you get a new client, and the cycle repeats. Basically, you end up spending more time looking for and enrolling clients than you do coaching.
This model is also not ideal for your clients as they are much less likely to get transformative results. Without committing to consistent sessions, they cannot get to the root of their problems and make the necessary changes to improve their health.
However, by creating a signature program, your clients commit, receive the guidance and support they need, and get better results.
Plus, as you will have clients on board for a specific period, you don’t have to worry about them dropping off. So you can strategically plan your marketing campaigns rather than resorting to last-minute panicked marketing.
Of course, there are also financial benefits to consider. A signature program comes with premium pricing, so you earn more than you would with one-off sessions while working less!
Group vs. 1:1 Coaching Programs
When launching a signature program, consider whether you will create a group or one-to-one coaching program. A group coaching program is where you deliver the same content to a group of people simultaneously, whereas a one-to-one program provides personalized content to each client.
There are benefits to both, so it all depends on what your business goals are.
Reasons To Create A 1:1 Coaching Program
- Your clients may get better results – When you get your one-to-one clients to commit to a program, in many cases they will get better results, leading to more career satisfaction and referrals.
- You won’t need to work with so many clients – By offering a 1:1 program, you charge a higher price, which means you only need to work with a handful of clients. So if you prefer to keep your client base small but income high, this is a good option.
- You will stand out in the marketplace – There are so many coaches out there offering one-off sessions. However, by creating and marketing a signature program with tangible results, you will stand out as an expert in your industry.
Reasons To Create A Group Coaching Program
- You can help more people and make more impact – The beauty of a group coaching program is that you can immensely scale your reach and help improve more people’s lives.
- You will get lots of testimonials – Group programs offer a fab opportunity to get lots of testimonials fast. Thus, this is an excellent option if you’re starting out as a coach.
- You will scale your business faster – With group coaching programs, you are not limited to how many clients you have (unless you decide to cap the program participants). Thus, most coaches quickly smash their income goals when creating a group program.
- You’ll gain invaluable feedback to better understand your target audience – Once you run your first group program, you can seek feedback through surveys to see where there is room for improvement. This allows you to quickly fix any mistakes and improve your program each round.
- More income potential – Linked to the above point, as the value of your program goes up, so does the price. If you are actively adding to and improving your program after each intake, you can raise the fee each time you reopen the doors.
- Your clients will benefit from a supportive community – Support and accountability are crucial to making long-lasting changes. With a group program, your clients benefit from having you AND the rest of the group to turn to when they need help or encouragement.
What To Consider When Starting A Health Coaching Program
Aside from choosing between a group or one-to-one coaching program, there are other (more business-focused) factors to consider before embarking on your new venture.
If you are starting your health coaching business from scratch, check out this Youtube video for a walk-through of all the crucial things you need to consider.
Start-Up Capital
Something I advise all my clients against is trying to launch their new business with zero costs. I’m not saying this is impossible, but it is a surefire way to make extremely slow progress in your business and hugely increase your stress and struggles.
Trust me, starting a business is stressful enough as it is without trying to do everything yourself and “wear all the hats” to avoid spending any money.
So how much do you need to invest to get your new coaching program up and running? Well, it depends on your experience in the industry, the type of program you are offering, the time it will take you, etc.
But, as a very broad ballpark, I tell my clients to expect to spend approximately $5-$10,000. Your startup expenses might include things like a training or certification program, photographs, a website, and some basic marketing expenses.
It is an absolute myth that online businesses cost nothing to set up. Sure, you don’t need the same things as a brick-and-mortar business, but there are certain things you will need to invest in to ensure you stand out in the online marketplace and succeed, which brings me to factor number two – mindset.
The mindset you have when launching your coaching program will make more difference to your success than you realize. And what I mean by mindset is the level of commitment you have.
So, one of the most important questions to ask yourself before you start creating your program is this – “on a scale of 1 to 10, how committed are you really to launching a successful coaching program?”
If your answer is anything less than 8, it is probably better to hold off for a while. Likely you are just in the initial dreaming stages or exploring this idea but not yet ready to execute it.
Time (& Energy) Requirement
One of the main things that hold people back from creating a coaching program is that it takes time and energy to set it up. Coaching one-off sessions is easy as there is minimal planning required. But with a program, much more planning and groundwork is needed.
How long it will take you to create your program depends on the course’s length and depth, along with your other commitments. If you only have one hour a week to work on it, it will take you a lot longer than someone who spends three hours a day working on theirs.
However, don’t let lack of time put you off, and don’t wait for the perfect time to start. There is no ideal time to start, and as long as you are committed, you will find the time, regardless of how busy your life seems.
The 4-Step Process To Creating A Health Coaching Program
If you’ve made it this far, I know you are serious and committed to creating an awesome coaching program and making a bigger impact on your clients’ lives. So let’s get into the juicy part – the process!
I’ve broken it down into four key steps, which I provide practical guidance to in my Signature Coaching Program Template. You can download it here.
1. Pinpoint the Outcome
The first step is to identify the core problem that your potential client (target audience) has. Remember that it must be a problem they know they have and are actively looking for a solution for.
Of course, as health and wellness coaches, we are well aware of what is going on beyond the surface and may know the root cause of our potential client’s problems. But they likely do not know the deeper issue, only the surface problem, so this is the core problem you should work with.
Once you are clear on your audience’s core problem, think about the program’s desired outcome. How will your program change your clients’ lives once they complete it? This is essential for successful marketing as you will need to paint a picture of what your client’s life will look like after they complete your program.
To put it in other words, this step is about identifying the start and end point of your client’s journey with you throughout the program.
2. Map The Journey
Once you know the start and end points, you can map the journey from point A to point B.
This step is about establishing the steps required to take your clients from their current situation to the desired outcome and creating your program curriculum based on that.
To do this, establish the milestones your client will go through and the order your client will reach those milestones. Then for each milestone, you’ll need to create bite-sized pieces (lessons) to help your client reach it.
To map the journey, think about what you did to reach the desired outcome you are now selling or what has worked for your clients in the past. If you’re unsure how to order the steps, write each step on a sticky note and then play around with the order on a wall or the floor until the process looks right.
3. Expand Your Steps
Step three is creating the content. Now that you know what steps to cover in your program, it’s time to put together the lesson content.
Flesh out all the modules by thinking about the following:
- What knowledge do you need to impart?
- What skills do you need to teach?
- What mindset work do you need to address?
Then, think about the best way to deliver the content for each module/lesson. Does it require coaching calls, video lessons, written tutorials, audio lessons, workbooks, etc?
I highly recommend you take your time on this, as it is your chance to add real value to your program. Including content that your client can take away and refer back to in their free time, such as handouts, checklists, and journal prompts, is highly desirable as it helps to facilitate the outcome.
You should also consider whether you will give your clients activities, homework, or tests at the end of each module.
The curriculum creation will differ depending on whether you offer a group or a 1:1 program.
With 1:1 programs, you can adapt and change things as you go along to ensure you meet the needs of each client. In this case, the curriculum can be slightly loose. However, the curriculum needs to be much tighter and well thought out for group programs.
You will also need to consider how you will facilitate community interaction in group programs. Which platforms will you use? A private Facebook group? A Whatsapp group?
In my YouTube Video How To Structure A Group Coaching Program, I go deeper into the steps required to build a curriculum for this type of program.
4. Name Your Program
Now you’ve planned your program, choosing a name for it will be easier. The title should reflect the desired outcome. It can also include a number, like the number of steps or the days required to reach the desired result.
Try to choose a marketable name. One tactic that works well is to paint a picture of the journey they will go on to get from where they are now to where they want to be. For example, if you’re creating a stress management program, you could name it “From stressed to serene.”
My Signature Coaching Program Template includes a bonus Client-Grabbing Titles Template to help you create a high-converting title for your program.
For a video version of this 4-step process, watch my Youtube video on How To Create A Health Coaching Program.
How To Price Your Coaching Program
Pricing your program is just as important as planning the content. I’d hate for you to put all your time and energy into creating an awesome program only to price it far too low and not get what you deserve back from it.
Unlike one-off coaching sessions, you won’t charge by the hour anymore. Instead, you will charge a set price that will cover multiple factors.
1. The Value Of Your Program
The first and most important factor when pricing your course is the value your clients will receive from it, which will be high if you follow the above steps! You should price your program based on the results your clients get and the outcome you give them.
The more specific, measurable, and tangible the outcome, the higher you can charge. Your clients should get results they can see and measure, not feel, so avoid intangible results like more happiness, a longer life, or a better relationship.
I know this can be difficult in health and wellness programs, but try to translate the outcome into something more tangible. For example, ‘lower blood pressure’ instead of ‘less stress’ or ‘reduced healthcare costs’ rather than a ‘longer life.’
Spend some time playing around with wording to ensure you sell something with a specific, measurable, tangible outcome. This will allow you to charge a premium price.
2. Delivery Time
Another critical factor in determining your program price is how much time and energy you’re investing into the program, both to create it and to deliver it.
This will vary depending on the amount of content you include, the format you deliver the content, the systems you use (so the level of automation you utilize), and the length and intensity of the program.
It’s easy to underestimate how much time you put into your program, so I recommend writing a list of all the tasks you do for it, such as:
- Initial discovery calls
- One-to-one sessions
- Q&A calls
- Responding to emails and messages
- Posting in your program’s community group
- Creating personalized content
Of course, pricing will be higher for 1:1 programs than group programs as the former will include more one-on-one time and personalized content.
3. What Are The Going Rates?
Lastly, it is well worth considering what your competitors are charging for similar programs. This can be helpful if you have absolutely no idea what you should charge, and it will give you some awareness of what people are currently paying.
However, while knowing the average market price is important, you should always choose a price you feel comfortable with. Don’t simply copy others’ rates, especially if you feel what other people are charging is too low.
Remember that we all have money stories, and many people struggle to charge their worth. So by copying other people’s prices, you may unknowingly adopt their money stories rather than charging what you think YOU are worth.
Pricing Examples
Now, I know how helpful it is to have some average numbers when pricing your offerings, so I want to give some actual benchmarks.
A good starting price for wellness coaches who are just starting out is between $1000 and $3000 for a 90-day program.
For experienced wellness coaches, you can price your 90-day program for a premium price of $4000 to $8000.
Of course, the price will be higher if you are doing a longer program. And remember, these are very general prices and will differ depending on your location, industry, the program outcome, and other things.
I explain these pricing factors in more detail in my dedicated Youtube video How To Price Your Coaching Program.
One last point I want to touch on is why I believe you should charge a higher price than you think you should.
Why You Should Charge Premium Rates
People naturally associate higher prices with higher quality. Higher prices also bring more committed clients, meaning you can take on fewer. With premium prices, your quality of service will be higher as you will have more time to dedicate to your clients.
So bear this in mind when pricing your program, and don’t be scared to charge high. By undercharging, you may end up with less committed clients, and thus, your success rate will be lower.
If you found this interesting and want to learn more about how to build a 6-figure health coaching business by creating a signature program, I have a FREE webinar all about this. You can sign up here.
And don’t forget to download my Signature Coaching Program Template, where I guide you through the simple 4-step framework to creating a health coaching program.

How To Build A 6-Figure Health Coaching Business Using One Signature Program
The 3 behind-the-scenes secrets to financial freedom … without exhaustion, burnout, or being a slave to social media.
- discover the exact blueprint to having the impact & life you desire
- learn the single biggest mistake new health & wellness coaches make (and what to do instead)
- find out how to design a signature program, step by step (including how to price your offer — yes, I give you real numbers!)
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