When you’re starting out in your health coaching business, it can feel like a complete mystery: where do you get clients? At the beginning, you feel like you’re starting from scratch. No clients, no testimonials, no case studies, no cash flow. Nothing to build on.
Of course once you get some clients under your belt, then you can start to gain some traction. But how do you get past those first stages? How do you get those very first few clients to say yes and sign on with you?
If this struggle is real for you, keep reading. I’ve got four steps to help you get those very first few clients coming into your health coaching practice.
DOWNLOAD MY FREE GUIDE: 3 Ways To Win New Clients This Week
Step #1: Create A Simple Offer Page
If people don’t know what you do or how to work with you, you’re making it very hard for them to become your clients. A lot of health coaches I work with don’t have this simple piece set up yet–but it’s really a critical piece. Whether we’re talking about your signature program, or a smaller, starter offer, you’ve got to have some way for people to work with you.
And make it simple!
In your offer page, focus on benefits, and be sure to speak directly to your ideal client. To do this, you need to be clear on who you’re aiming to help, and how you can help them, of course.
Step #2: Get Some Testimonials
I know, this feels impossible. It’s like a catch-22. Without testimonials, it’s hard to get people to have enough confidence in your work to sign on with you. But how do you get testimonials UNLESS someone becomes your client?
So to break this vicious cycle, you’ll need to think outside the box. Who else can provide some social proof, before you’ve had any paying clients. How about your fellow students who you went through your health coach training with? How about your practice clients? Friends, colleagues, accountability partners, or mastermind partners? Or, how about your teachers? Your mentors, people who showed you the way and gave you feedback on your work? What about your business coach? People who helped you along the way, helped you develop your programs, and set up your business basics–they can be in a great position to give you a testimonial. Be brave and ask!
Step #3: Brainstorm Your Contacts
We all know a lot more people than we think we know. To brainstorm your contacts, or your sphere of influence, sit down and write down a list of names, everyone you know, both personally and professionally. Try to put them in buckets: coworkers, people who you’ve connected with in the coaching world, groups you’re a part of, friends and family.
This will be a rich source of possible coaching clients and leads. Don’t exclude anybody at this point. You’re not necessarily going to contact ALL these people, but for now, just get them all down. The truth is, your first client will likely come from one of these sources, your warm leads. Possibly one layer removed — like someone in your sister’s office, or a friend of someone you work with. But at this stage, just brainstorm.
Step #4: Start Making Invitations
This is when you have to take a deep breath, and just start contacting people. There are a lot of different approaches you could take, maybe picking up the phone, talking to people personally, or emailing them. And when I say “invite” it doesn’t always mean explicitly invite. But you want to put the word out about what you’re doing now, what this new venture of yours is all about, and who you’re looking to work with.
Put it out there that you’re excited about this new business you’ve created, and would love to talk to people about whether they would be a good fit for you.
So create a system for yourself, whether it’s a daily quota of emails to send, or some other system, and start inviting people to have a discovery call with you!
Okay, to recap, here are the steps you need to take to get your very first health coaching client:
- Step #1: create a simple offer page
- Step #2: get some testimonials
- Step #3: Brainstorm your contacts
- Step #4: start reaching out and making invitations
Now, I know this can feel overwhelming, and a lot to do when you’re juts trying to get off the ground. So I’ve created a PDF guide called “3 Ways To Win New Clients This Week” and you can grab it for free–it’s 3 things you can do right now to find and enroll new clients into your health coaching business. Go ahead and click the link to download that guide and then get started on the road to a much more profitable health coaching business.