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Looking for a marketing tip for your wellness business, a success strategy, or a bit of inspiration for living well? I’ve been blogging about wellness, business, and life in general since 2011 … chances are, you’re going to find what you need here.
Inspiration for fabulous success & a life well-lived.
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Loss is one of the most painful experiences we face in life, yet it’s inevitable. Whether it’s the death of a loved one, the end of a relationship, losing a job, or any other major upheaval, at some point, we all find ourselves navigating the deep, disorienting waves of loss. If you’re in that place […]
It’s like Voldemort. It strikes such fear into people’s hearts, some of us are afraid to even speak the word, for fear of invoking the name…but let’s just say it: Cancer. Everybody is afraid of cancer. It’s the elephant in the room for many, many of my patient visits. Occasionally people will vocalize their fear, but often it’s lurking there, unsaid. […]
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I’ve written about chocolate in the past, of course. But…I think it’s a topic worth revisiting, don’t you? Especially this time of year. To that end, I recently dug into the research and created a handy little roundup of the top health benefits of chocolate. I compiled no fewer than six reasons chocolate is good for you, and I […]
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I’ll admit it: I’m a little obsessed with Europe. In the past I’ve written about the French Paradox , and there’s a big part of me that would like to be reborn in this life as a French woman (and not only because spa treatments are considered part of the French healthcare system). Also, I […]
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So I talk a lot about coffee. I love my Starbucks. But what about tea? Yes, I love tea too. At my house, 3 pm is definitely tea time. This is more a cultural thing than anything else, for me, having British parents and having spent two sabbaticals in the UK. Most people have a […]
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Many people have no idea whether a multivitamin is essential or a total waste of money. Or something in between. So what’s the truth? As with many things, it’s controversial. And not even the “experts” can agree. Some studies have shown benefit. Others have been equivocal, or downright discouraging. For example, the Annals of Internal […]
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It’s this little thing I do: I like “collecting” things that, traditionally, have been considered bad for you…but turn out to be healthy. Girl’s gotta have a hobby! Anyway. Here’s my lovely little roundup of vices you should be indulging in. 1.Shopping. Oh yes, it’s true. In a recent study, seniors who shopped every day had […]
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In the short term, inflammation is not a problem. It’s the body’s normal response to injury, and it’s a healing response. It’s also part of our immune system, and how we fight infection. But when inflammation doesn’t shut off like it should, and becomes chronic? That’s a problem. Why inflammation is bad for you We’re not […]
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So you feel, well, okay. But is okay good enough? Could you do better? Time to be honest…with yourself. Because prevention, in my book, is far better than waiting for symptoms to appear. Below you’ll find some questions to answer. Now, this is not a multiple choice quiz, with a cute classification scale at the end. These […]
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Coffee has long been one of my favorite indulgences. Actually, let’s be honest. I can’t get through my day without visiting Starbucks. Even so…my sipping usually comes with a teeny bit of guilt. Reasonable? Turns out, probably not. In fact, it looks like I just might be doing myself some good with my daily dose. There’s a growing […]
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Loss is one of the most painful experiences we face in life, yet it’s inevitable. Whether it’s the death of a loved one, the end of a relationship, losing a job, or any other major upheaval, at some point, we all find ourselves navigating the deep, disorienting waves of loss. If you’re in that place […]
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Research shows that the quality of our relationships directly impacts our health, happiness, and even lifespan. An 85-year Harvard study found that people with strong, meaningful connections tend to live longer and feel more fulfilled. In other words, relationships aren’t just a nice addition to life; they’re a crucial part of it. But here’s the […]
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Do you often feel like there are not enough hours in the day? Are you constantly rushing around and juggling multiple things, yet your to-list never seems to get any shorter? I know this feeling all too well. I was always racing against the clock, trying to stay in control. But everything changed when I […]
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Did you know that 72% of adults feel stressed about money? It’s true! Almost three-quarters of us worry about our finances. But what’s more shocking than that figure is the detrimental effects money stress has on our health. Worrying about money (or rather lack of it) can cause chronic stress, poor sleep, and even physical […]
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Life isn’t easy, and sometimes, it gets the better of us. I know firsthand how overwhelming it can feel when everything is spiraling out of control. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and like your life is out of your control right now, know that you’re not alone, and you won’t stay in this place forever. Life […]
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Four years ago, I made the scariest (and most freeing) decision of my life: walking away from my six-figure career as a doctor. At the time, I didn’t have a map of what came next. It was a HUGE leap into the unknown. Fast forward to today, and what I’ve gained has been nothing short […]
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The podcast for people who want to master the art of living well.
I help health & wellness coaches create successful businesses and get a steady stream of new clients, so they can have the freedom, fulfillment, and financial abundance they desire.
Enneagram 3, obsessed with Paris, running, and good coffee.
As an MD-turned-coach, I’m on a mission to provide women with the guidance, support, and tools they need to build wildly successful businesses as health & wellness coaches.
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