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Looking for a marketing tip for your wellness business, a success strategy, or a bit of inspiration for living well? I’ve been blogging about wellness, business, and life in general since 2011 … chances are, you’re going to find what you need here.

Inspiration for fabulous success & a life well-lived.

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How often have you talked yourself out of doing something you want to do? How many times have you said, “I’m not ready,” or “I don’t have time”? If, like most of us, the answer is many, you’re likely letting self-doubt and fear run your life. Self-doubt is very sneaky. It masks itself as a […]

How To Crush Self-Doubt: A Doctor’s Guide To Fearless Living

I’m Kim.
I’m an M.D.-turned-entrepreneur and I’m dedicated to helping you build your dream career + lifestyle. Welcome to my blog, where I write (and podcast) about wellness, business + success!
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(One of my favorite old posts…please indulge me in this re-boot, as I’m busy writing like mad, lost in fictional worlds…) Used to be, all fats were considered bad. We gobbled down low-fat versions of everything, assuming this was the path to true health. This was not a good time in dietary history, as far as I’m […]

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It was Valentine’s day yesterday, and February is healthy heart month…so in honor of all that, I’ve compiled a list of 10 tips to keep your heart healthy. Some are easy tweaks (like: start taking vitamin D) and some are bigger jobs (like: start exercising regularly)…but they’re all do-able. And some are even fun (hint: you […]

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I’ve written about chocolate in the past, of course. But…I think it’s a topic worth revisiting, don’t you? Especially this time of year. To that end, I recently dug into the research and created a handy little roundup of the top health benefits of chocolate. I compiled no fewer than six reasons chocolate is good for you, and I […]

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When I was younger I used to avoid nuts because of their high fat content. You too? Fortunately, we now know about the blissful thing called “healthy fat“. There’s no doubt, nuts do contain a lot of fat, but most of it is the monounsaturated kind (same stuff that’s in olive oil). And that sort of fat is good for your cholesterol profile, […]

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Women used to complain about their hips and thighs. Now, it seems, it’s all about belly fat. I suppose this could be my imagination since I have, in recent years, joined the post-baby ranks…and now share this particular preoccupation. Or maybe it’s the attention paid to apple vs pear-shaped physiques. Which is an important distinction, actually. […]

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Used to be, all fats were considered bad. We gobbled down low-fat versions of everything, assuming this was the path to true health. This was not a good time in dietary history, as far as I’m concerned. Three words: Low. Fat. Cheese. Ugh. Thankfully, we now know that dietary fat is not nutritionally black and […]

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The Wellness Project with
Dr. Kim Foster

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I help health & wellness coaches create successful businesses and get a steady stream of new clients, so they can have the freedom, fulfillment, and financial abundance they desire.


Enneagram 3, obsessed with Paris, running, and good coffee.

As an MD-turned-coach, I’m on a mission to provide women with the guidance, support, and tools they need to build wildly successful businesses as health & wellness coaches.

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