It’s this little thing I do: I like “collecting” things that, traditionally, have been considered bad for you…but turn out to be healthy. Girl’s gotta have a hobby!
Anyway. Here’s my lovely little roundup of vices you should be indulging in.
1.Shopping. Oh yes, it’s true. In a recent study, seniors who shopped every day had mortality rates 27 percent lower than their peers who rarely or never shopped. Every. Day. I’m sending this link to my husband as we speak.
2. Chocolate. Once considered the devil, chocolate turns out to be packed with antioxidants, flavonoids and phytonutrients. Dark chocolate is best. And just a square or two, please. Not a family-sized bar in one sitting.
3. Fat. Here’s another little demon we’ve become enlightened about. We know, now, that not all fats are bad–just the saturated stuff and the trans-fat nasties. Steer clear of those (fried food, etc) and instead savor olive oil, avocadoes and nuts, and benefit from body-lovin’ monounsaturated & polyunsaturated fats (which improve your cholesterol profile, help prevent heart disease and cancer and a multitude of other health benefits).
4.The Sun. Personally, I have to admit to a certain sun terror. Wrinkles, age spots, and cancer? No thank you. Truth is, a little sun can do wonders for your mood, and for your vitamin D levels. You don’t have to be terrified of the sun. Go out every once in a while for a few minutes, without (gasp) sunblock, and enjoy the warmth on your skin. After all, we’re creatures of the earth; what’s more natural than a dash of sunlight?
5.Sleep. For those Type As among us, is there anything lazier than sleeping? Sleep when you’re dead, surely. I mean, teenagers sleep all day long and look at them. Useless! (Kidding. I love teenagers). Many of us feel guilty sleeping in, or going to bed early. Truth be told, most of us don’t get enough shut-eye. And we’re suffering for it. Inadequate sleep has been linked to depression, heart disease, and obesity. Yikes! Nighty-night.
6.The Spa. Pampering yourself at the spa: another guilty pleasure? Nope. That massage appointment? That dip in a mineral bath? That pedi with reflexology? More than just preening, more than just vanity and self-indulgence. There’s growing evidence that the spa is good for you. Pinch me.
7. Coffee. Feeling badly because you can’t get through your day without a trip (or two) to Starbucks? Fret no more. Evidence is building in favor of coffee. In moderation, not only is it not a vice, it looks like it’s actually healthy for you.
So there you go. Permission granted.
And just when you thought achieving a healthy lifestyle would be no fun.
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