


Success Mindset

Uplevel Your Mindset To Create Better Results In Your Health Coaching Business

January 28, 2022

I’m Kim.
I’m an M.D.-turned-entrepreneur and I’m dedicated to helping you build your dream career + lifestyle. Welcome to my blog, where I write (and podcast) about wellness, business + success!
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If you’ve listened to any of my previous podcast episodes, you know how much importance I place on mindset. I really do believe it is the difference maker between the coaches and entrepreneurs who make it, and those who struggle.

Yes, strategy is important. Yes, marketing tactics are important. But you can have all the business know-how in the world, and if you don’t have the mindset required to execute those tactics — if you’re riddled with self doubt or impostor syndrome, or if you’re thinking too small, or paralzyed by comparisonitis. — it’s not going to work.

My guest on this episode is Andrea Freeman, a business coach who also believes wholeheartedly in the importance of mindset and when we sat down to have the conversation you’re about to hear, we dove into all things mindset.

She’s got some great stories about what she learned running a multi-6 figure company as a celebrity event planner in LA and New York … because while she was running that business she took the opportunity to become a student of her clients in a sense, and absorb all kinds of lessons from the high-performing people she was interacting with, and now she brings all those lessons to her work as a business coach.

Here’s where you can listen in to our conversation:

Do you have a plan for your personal evolution?

Here are some of the things Andrea and I discuss during our conversation:

  • the concept of “personal evolution” (and how does it relate to your business)
  • quick and effective –yet mindful — ways that any entrepreneur can uplevel their life and business
  • Andrea’s thoughts on what it means to have a truly abundant mindset
  • exactly what business owners should be focusing on if they want to make a lasting and meaningful impac

…and much more!

After listening to this episode, I’d love to know your thoughts.

Are you feeling inspired to pay attention to your mindset as you build your business? In what ways will you begin to place a priority on feeling good, making intentional choices, and giving yourself permission to build a truly aligned and authentic business?

Let me know by finding me on Instagram and DM me or tag me in your stories!

Where To Find Andrea:

Andrea on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/afreeman_insta/

Andrea on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/groups/uplevelcollective

Andrea’s Website – https://www.andreafreemanconsulting.com/

Andrea’s Podcast – https://www.andreafreemanconsulting.com/podcast

Other Resources & Useful Links:


How To Chart A Path To Your Dream Career As A Wellness Coach

The 3 Secrets For Stepping Into A Meaningful New Career Without Wasting Time Or Money

  • discover why health & wellness coaching is a skyrocketing industry that can provide the freedom and fulfillment you’ve been craving
  • learn the 3 biggest myths about health & wellness coaching that will hold you back (and what the truth is instead)
  • find out the secret sauce for getting amazing results for your clients (and building a profitable business as a wellness coach)

…and more!

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