


Wellness Coaching

My 3-Step Process To Creating Freedom With A Side Hustle

November 15, 2023

I’m Kim.
I’m an M.D.-turned-entrepreneur and I’m dedicated to helping you build your dream career + lifestyle. Welcome to my blog, where I write (and podcast) about wellness, business + success!
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Are you exhausted, overwhelmed, and increasingly feeling that the 9-5 hustle is not for you?

If so, you’re not alone.

According to the latest figures by Zippia, a staggering 89% of workers have experienced burnout within the past year alone!

And of those, 40% have left their jobs due to their burnout. 

It wasn’t long ago that I was one of these statistics. My overflowing work schedule made me lose my passion for healthcare, and the long hours and mounting paperwork meant I lacked time for self-care.

Like most people who reach a state of severe burnout, I realized I had to make a change.

But learning how to break free from the shackles of a conventional career took a lot of time, reflection, and personal growth.

So, if you want to pivot your career, escape the 9-5, and create a path to freedom, read on.

In this week’s article and YouTube episode, I share how I went from a burned-out doctor to a fulfilled online coach.

I’ve condensed my journey into a 3-step process that you, too, can follow. Let’s get straight into the first action…

Step 1: Acknowledging Burnout and Seeking Help

Like most transformative journeys, the first step is acknowledging your current situation.

We like to pretend we have everything under control, so admitting that we are struggling is not always easy.

However, the more you keep pushing yourself, the more exhausted and overwhelmed you will become.

I knew that to move forward and make a change, I had to figure out what went wrong. To do this, I turned to journaling.

Journaling provided an avenue for me to work through my frustrations and understand my feelings. Through self-reflection, I realized my true passion lay in prevention rather than just treatment. I learned being a family doctor was no longer fulfilling me because I wanted to help people lead healthier lives, not just manage their illnesses.

Journaling is just one form of self-reflection. You can find the answers you seek through meditating, walking in nature, or taking moments to pause and be still throughout the day. 

Another way you can understand your feelings and accept burnout is by seeking professional help. So don’t be afraid to talk things through with a therapist or coach, with whom you can carve out the next steps.

Step 2: Reconnecting with Your Passion 

I got into medicine because I was passionate about helping others. However, along the way, I became disillusioned with the healthcare system and unsatisfied with what I was doing.

Chances are you chose your original career path because it was something you enjoyed doing, too.

Maybe, like me, the stress and pressure of your career killed your passion. Or perhaps your interests changed, and that thing no longer lights you up.

So, the next step on your freedom journey is reconnecting with your passion (or discovering a new one).

How you do this will be unique to you, but here’s what I found to be helpful:

  • Continuing Education – As I knew I wanted to focus more on prevention than treatment, I expanded my knowledge beyond traditional medicine by studying a range of holistic health approaches. 
  • Networking and Building a Support System – Once I knew I wanted to transition into the online coaching space, I reached out to people who had already taken the leap. Networking with fellow wellness enthusiasts and coaches allowed me to broaden my horizons and create a support system to help me make my dream a reality.
  • Transitioning to Part-Time Practice – I knew if I was going to build a new career as a wellness coach, I had to create more time, so I decided to scale back my working hours significantly. 

Step 3: Launching Your Online Coaching Business

Step 3 is the most exciting yet most daunting stage of the process. I know how confusing and scary launching your new online business is, so I recommend focusing on these four things:

  1. Creating a Brand and Online Presence – This includes creating a brand image, designing a website, developing your coaching philosophy, creating content, and establishing a presence on social media platforms.
  2. Gaining Certification and Credentials – Pursuing training in your chosen field will boost your credibility and confidence. Studying the business and marketing side is essential, too, as this is a skill you may not currently have.
  3. Offering Free Workshops and Webinars – Offering free workshops and speaking on webinars will help you find your first clients and build a mailing list, which is an integral part of growing your business.
  4. Adopting a Client-Centered Approach – In medicine, I was trained to tell people what to do as an expert, So I had to shift my approach considerably when I became a coach. I started focusing on understanding my client’s unique needs so that I could work WITH them to achieve their goals rather than tell them what to do.

If you found this helpful, be sure to watch the full YouTube video where I explain these three steps in more detail.

You’ll find the full episode here:

If you prefer an audio-only version, here’s where you can listen to the podcast episode:

And if this leaves you inspired and motivated, I invite you to download my free Wellness Coaching Career Guide.

Of course, I’d also love to hear from you directly. Are you feeling burned out and looking for a way to create more freedom for yourself?

If so, tell me all about it in the comments below, or find me on Instagram and send me a DM!

Resources Mentioned:

Download my free Wellness Coaching Career Guide: https://drkimfoster.com/guide 

Apply for the Wellness Coach Academy today: https://wellnesscoachacademy.com

More Helpful Resources:


Looking to take your wellness journey to the next level?

The 3 Secrets For Stepping Into A Meaningful New Career Without Wasting Time Or Money

  • find out why health & wellness coaching is a skyrocketing industry that can provide the freedom and fulfillment you’ve been craving
  • discover the 3 biggest myths about health & wellness coaching that will hold you back (and what the truth is instead)
  • learn the secret sauce for getting amazing results for your clients (and building a profitable business as a wellness coach)

…and more!

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