


Living Well

5 Steps To Overcome The Fear Of Change And Build The Life You Want

December 5, 2024

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I’m an M.D.-turned-entrepreneur and I’m dedicated to helping you build your dream career + lifestyle. Welcome to my blog, where I write (and podcast) about wellness, business + success!
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We’re all guilty of letting our fears hold us back. 

When I was working as a family doctor but wanted to pivot into wellness and personal development, I experienced an intense fear of change.

It was such a giant leap, and knowing what would be on the other side was impossible. Fear of the unknown kept me stuck for many years before I figured out how to overcome it.

If you dream of starting a new career, relationship, or life, but fear is blocking your way, this week’s article and YouTube video is for you.

I’m sharing 5 simple strategies to conquer your fear of change. I’ve successfully used these strategies to build the life of my dreams, and I’m confident you can do the same!

Strategy 1: Reframe Change As Growth, Not Loss

We often fear change because we believe it means losing something, such as our routine, comfort, or sense of control. 

During my career transition, I knew I wanted to leave clinical medicine, but I was terrified of losing stability, security, and the reputation I’d built.

It took me a while to realize that change isn’t about loss but growth. This perspective shift changed everything…  

When we see change as a chance to expand, learn, and experience more, it becomes less intimidating.

One way I reframed change as growth instead of loss was by reflecting on the big life changes I had made in the past, and the positive things that had come out of them.

So I encourage you to do the same – Reflect on three significant changes from your past and note three positive outcomes from each. 

Another exercise is to write down what you’re afraid of losing and list what you could gain instead. Consider the change you want to make and what new experiences and strengths you could gain from making that change.

Strategy 2: Focus On What You Can Control

Another reason change feels so scary is that we do not have complete control over the outcome. We can only take the leap and try our best, there will always be forces beyond our control.

When I left the safe world of medicine to build an online coaching business, the sheer number of unknowns was overwhelming. 

Eventually, I realized much of my anxiety came from trying to control everything, which, of course, is an impossible task.

This brings me to strategy number 2 – focusing ONLY on what you can control and letting go of what’s beyond your influence.

So how do you do this?

I found it helpful to list all the things I CAN control. Out of these things, I would create daily actions, where I would do one thing to take one small step toward my goal each day. 

Grounding activities, like meditation, deep breathing, or journaling, can also help you stay calm and focused on things within your control and prevent your mind from spiraling.

Strategy 3: Visualize The Future You

Leaving medicine—a world where I knew my identity and role—and stepping into the unknown was daunting. I had no idea what the future would hold. 

But I discovered something powerful: when you visualize who you want to become, change feels more like an opportunity than a threat.

I started a daily practice where I would close my eyes and visualize my future self where I had left medicine and was running a thriving wellness coaching business.

At first, it was difficult as my future self didn’t feel real. But after a while of doing this, my vision became clearer, I could see more detail of my future self, and most importantly, it began to feel real, like it was really me.

Try this strategy yourself – Spend five minutes each day imagining yourself living the life you want. It will give you a glimpse of the life you’re striving for, easing your fears of the unknown.

Strategy 4: Break It Down Into Tiny Steps

Big life changes can feel paralyzing because the process seems so overwhelming. 

I’ve been there, staring at a mountain so big I didn’t know where to begin. But here’s the secret: you don’t have to climb it all at once—just focus on the first step.

So here’s strategy four – Break it down into tiny, manageable steps. 

Instead of worrying about the entire journey, ask yourself, “What’s the smallest step I can take today?”

For example, if you’re changing careers, start by researching the new field you want to go into. Or, if you’re moving, look into housing options in your new city. 

Set mini-goals for each day or week, and celebrate those small wins. These tiny steps may not feel like much at that moment, but they build momentum, keep you moving forward, and keep fear at bay!.

Strategy 5: Embrace The Fear

We often think fear has to disappear before we can take action, but that’s a trap. If you wait for fear to vanish, you’ll wait forever.

When I transitioned out of my old career, fear was with me every step of the way. But I decided to “do it scared,” which changed everything. 

The truth is, fear isn’t your enemy; it can be a sign you’re on the edge of something transformative.

So, the last and most challenging strategy is to feel the fear and do it anyway.

Start with a technique I call The Fear Flip, based on psychological reappraisal. 

Fear and excitement share nearly identical physical symptoms, like a racing heart. So, by saying, “I’m excited,” when you’re scared, you can reframe your brain’s response, turning fear into anticipation.

It also helps to reflect on past moments when you faced fear and emerged stronger. By doing this, you can remind yourself that fear didn’t stop you then, so it won’t stop you now.

Final Thoughts

If you want to dive deeper into these five strategies for overcoming the fear of change, watch the full video episode on YouTube:

I hope this has helped you feel ready to take that first step towards your dream life. If it has, comment below and let me know the first tiny action you’ll be taking!


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