



How To Set Healthy Boundaries And Say No

September 17, 2020

I’m Kim.
I’m an M.D.-turned-entrepreneur and I’m dedicated to helping you build your dream career + lifestyle. Welcome to my blog, where I write (and podcast) about wellness, business + success!
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Do you have trouble saying no and setting boundaries? Do you find yourself agreeing to requests, and doing things for other people that takes you away from your own projects and priorities? Saying no can be tough, but you have to learn how to maintain your boundaries if you want to achieve your goals in business and in life. 

In this week’s podcast episode, I walk you through a few different scenarios of when people ask you to do things that you can’t or don’t want to do. I give you five different scripts, plus lots of examples and variations, to help you say no with grace, hold your boundaries, speak your truth … and ultimately empower you to say YES to you.

Here’s where you can tune in:

Scripts For Saying “No” With Grace & Class

Here are the scenarios and scripts I go into detail on, inside this episode:

  • How to handle it when someone wants to take you out to coffee and “pick your brain” about your area of expertise
  • How to handle vague meeting requests that you don’t have time for
  • What to say when someone asks you to do something that’s not in your area of expertise
  • How to handle collaboration requests that aren’t in alignment with your overall mission
  • How to deal with clients who ask you to do something that exceeds your agreement and is more than what they’ve paid for

After you listen to this episode, I’d love to hear from you! Do you have a go-to way to answer people who want to pick your brain or take you out for coffee? And what is the one thing you can do write now to strengthen those muscles of setting boundaries and saying no? 

Go ahead and let me know in the comments or over on Instagram or Facebook! I can’t wait to hear from you.

Now, if you’re building your coaching business and one of the things you’re working on is creating a signature program (but you’re feeling kind of stuck or overwhelmed with it), then you are definitely going to want to join my upcoming FREE 5-day challenge: Build Your Signature Program Bootcamp.

We’re going to do 5 days of free training, and I’ll be taking you through my step-by-step process of building your own signature program for your coaching business. A signature program helps you stand out from all the other cookie-cutter coaches out there, and makes it incredibly easy to enroll new clients.

I’ll be walking you through my own framework and process for creating a signature program (and it’s what I’ve helped all my clients do for their own businesses), and inside this challenge you get my guidance and training for free.

We get started on September 28th, so if this sounds like something you’d like to join, head over here to learn more and sign up!

Resources & Links:

N.B. some links are affiliate links.

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By the way, if you haven’t watched my free online training yet — what are you waiting for? Inside The 4-Part Formula For Replacing Your 9-5 Income With A Coaching Business You Love, I teach you my exact system for building an online business that gives you freedom, flexibility, and fulfillment — plus the ability to work from the comfort and safety of your own home.

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