


Living Well

How To Be Super Productive Without Burning Out – My Top 10 Hacks

July 31, 2024

I’m Kim.
I’m an M.D.-turned-entrepreneur and I’m dedicated to helping you build your dream career + lifestyle. Welcome to my blog, where I write (and podcast) about wellness, business + success!
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Are you constantly feeling overwhelmed by your to-do list? 

Do you have big dreams and ambitious goals but no time to pursue them?

I know just how challenging productivity can be. In fact, I’ve burnt out on more than one occasion.

But now, after trying many different strategies and methods, I manage my time as efficiently as possible.

I mean, I’m a mom of two. I run my own company, I manage a household, I exercise every day, I’m even writing my first non-fiction book…

How do I manage to do it all?

Well, in this week’s article and YouTube video, I’m sharing 10 powerful strategies that will help you manage your time and achieve your biggest goals WITHOUT burning out.

Let’s jump straight in!

1. Identify Your Main Productivity Block

Firstly, there are multiple reasons for productivity blocks.

Some people struggle with productivity due to procrastination or lack of motivation. They have all the time in the world, but they can’t seem to take that first step.

Other peoples’ productivity issues are due to a lack of time. They’re motivated and clear on their goals, but they just can’t find time in their schedules to get things done.

So, the first thing you should do is reflect on your productivity block. 

If you feel like time scarcity is the root cause of your struggles, then good news! The following tips will help you carve out more time, even if it feels impossible right now.

2. Create a “Pocket Task List”

One of my secret productivity-increasing weapons is maximizing micro-moments. 

I keep a running list of 5-minute tasks, like responding to emails, paying a bill, cleaning the toilet, or making a quick phone call.

Then, whenever I have unexpected downtime, like waiting for a callback, I check my list and complete a task or two.

This helps me make use of time that might otherwise be wasted. 

So, if you’re short on time, make your own Pocket Task List and check it whenever you have 5 or 10 minutes to spare. It’s surprisingly satisfying to cross off these small tasks, too!

3. Prioritize Ruthlessly

We all have many things to do, but not all tasks are equal in priority.

That’s why it’s crucial to identify your high-impact activities and focus on them.

So take a look at your current to-do list. Which tasks are the most important, the ones that are going to truly move the needle?

Take those things and schedule them into your bigger blocks of free time. This will help you get the most important things done rather than getting distracted by the easier tasks.

4. Say No

Think about how often people ask you to do things you don’t want to do or invite you to things you are not interested in.

Now imagine that instead of saying yes to try to please everyone, you simply said NO. Imagine how much time that would free up!

Many women struggle with people-pleasing, but it is also one of the biggest causes of productivity struggles.

That’s why, to move closer to your goals and dreams, you must learn to set boundaries and say no to tasks or commitments that do not align with your priorities. 

This isn’t about being a jerk or NEVER doing anything for anyone else; it’s about protecting your time and energy for what matters most.

5. Time Blocking and Scheduling

I’ve been time-blocking for as long as I can remember.

I schedule EVERYTHING, including my workouts, self-care, and even time with my husband!

Now, I know this sounds rigid, but it’s actually the opposite – liberating.


Knowing I’ve got time for everything important in my life allows me to relax. I don’t have to stress over lack of time; instead, I simply follow my schedule.

6. Delegate and Outsource

As a control freak, I used to struggle with this a lot. However, it felt liberating once I finally let some things go, and I gained much more time!

Because the truth is, you don’t have to do everything all by yourself.

Whether it’s personal or business tasks, you can delegate or outsource things in many ways.

For example, rather than spending an hour cleaning your car, why not delegate it to your teenager or get one of the neighbor’s kids to do it for some pocket money?

Or, in your business, instead of trying to do everything, why not train a virtual assistant to take some simple tasks off your hands? 

Sure, it will take some time to train them, but that’s just a one-time thing. Once they can do those minor tasks on an ongoing basis, you’ll have much more time to focus on the bigger, more important things.

7. Schedule self-care

Do you know what causes burnout? Being go go go ALL the time.

I know it feels awesome to check tasks off your to-do list and smash goals. But to maintain momentum and avoid exhaustion, you must make time for self-care. 

One of the most important aspects of self-care is an evening wind-down routine.

I’ve noticed that whenever I keep going right up until bedtime, I have a terrible night’s sleep. The following day, I don’t feel well-rested, which, of course, affects my productivity. 

The same is true for mornings. If you wake up and get straight into action rather than practicing self-care, you’ll be on 0% battery by mid-afternoon.

So, find a balance between taking action and caring for yourself; that’s the secret to mastering sustainable productivity!

8. Identify Your Power Hours

We all have a time of the day when we have the most energy and focus. It’s important to schedule your most complex and vital tasks during these times.

For example, I’m most energetic and efficient in the mornings. So, I schedule my high-priority work during these hours and then do all my less important and less taxing tasks in the afternoons.

9. Batch Similar Tasks Together

I also recommend scheduling all your similar tasks together.

Rather than jumping from meeting to email to another meeting to writing and then more emails, batch like activities together.

  • Respond to all your emails at one set time and then close your inbox. Schedule all your meetings and calls back to back rather than throughout the day.
  • Set aside specific time for all your creative tasks, like writing and creating content.

Doing this increases your efficiency as your mind isn’t constantly switching between different types of tasks.

10. Plan for the Unexpected

Lastly, while planning and scheduling your days will improve your productivity massively, there is such a thing as overplanning.

Life happens. There are always unexpected things popping up that need our immediate attention.

But when your schedule is too tightly packed, there is no buffer time to handle these things, resulting in stress, overwhelm, and missed deadlines.

So don’t jam-pack your schedule; Allow for some buffer time instead. 

On the good days, you’ll be able to move through everything leisurely; on the bad days, you’ll remain in control no matter what happens.

Final Thoughts

Watch this week’s YouTube video for a more thorough walk-through of these productivity strategies.

Here’s where you can watch: 

Finally, let me know in the comments which productivity tip you will try first. And if there’s one strategy you want me to discuss in more detail, let me know that, too!

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