Living Well

How To Change Your Life With Micro Habits: My 5-Step Process

October 2, 2024

I’m Kim.
I’m an M.D.-turned-entrepreneur and I’m dedicated to helping you build your dream career + lifestyle. Welcome to my blog, where I write (and podcast) about wellness, business + success!
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We all want to improve our lives, yet one thing that holds us back is the belief that change requires drastic actions and major sacrifices.

But what if I told you that you don’t need to overhaul your entire routine to see real improvement?

The secret to transforming your life lies in the smallest of actions— habits so tiny, they’re almost invisible.

This isn’t just a theory—I’ve done it myself, and I can’t wait to show you how you can do it too!

Here are 5 steps to adopting small habits that will help you completely change your life!

Step 1: Don’t Underestimate The Power Of Small Habits

First, let’s talk about why small habits are so powerful. A small habit is an easy, repeatable action you can incorporate into your daily life without much effort at all. 

Your small habit might be so tiny that you think it won’t make any difference. But here’s the thing – starting a small habit is like planting a seed. 

At first, it’s barely noticeable, but with consistency, it steadily grows into something much larger.

There’s actual science behind this, too. 

Our brains create habits through a process called the habit loop, which consists of a cue, routine, and reward. Once a habit becomes ingrained, it runs on autopilot, requiring far less energy to sustain.

This is the magic of small habits—they quietly slip into your daily routine, making changes without you even noticing. And here’s the best part: they often trigger a chain reaction, leading to bigger transformations over time.

Let me share a personal example…

Years ago, I knew I needed to make a big life change, but I felt totally overwhelmed. So, I started with a tiny habit—writing in my journal for 10 to 15 minutes each morning.

That simple act set a positive tone for the day. It shifted my focus from stress and chaos to gratitude and purpose.

Over time, this tiny habit snowballed into better self-care, improved productivity, and increased confidence in decision-making, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

Step 2: Identify Your High-Impact Habits

So, how can you determine which tiny habit would be most impactful for your life?

We all lead different lifestyles and have unique goals and dreams. So, my tiny habit of journaling might not be a high-impact habit for you.

The key is to choose the habit that most aligns with your goals and dreams. So take your big goal, whether that’s to get fit, reduce your stress, or become more productive, and then break it down into the smallest, most actionable step possible. 

For example, let’s say your goal is to eat healthier. Your high-impact habit might be to start each morning by drinking a glass of water, setting a healthy tone for the day.

Or, if your goal is to learn a new language, your high-impact habit could be to learn just one new word or phrase each day.

Learning one word a day might seem useless, but these tiny, incremental improvements add up and compound over time, leading to massive growth.

Step 3: Think Big But Start Small

I like to adopt the 1% rule when working towards a goal. This is because improving by just 1% a day requires little time and effort, making you much more likely to stick to your new habit.

So, what does the 1% rule look like in action?

Well, it’s all about thinking big but starting small. So, if your goal is to start exercising, don’t try to work out for one hour each day, not right away anyway!

Instead, start with just 5 minutes of simple and accessible movement each day, such as stretching each morning or a short walk around the block in the evening. The idea is to make the habit so small that you can do it even on your busiest or least motivated days.

Another tip is to attach your new habit to one you already do automatically, which is known as habit stacking. Stacking new habits onto existing ones makes them much easier to remember and integrate into your day.

For example, when I started journaling, I stacked it onto my morning coffee ritual. When I would walk into the kitchen and brew my coffee, it would be my cue to sit down and journal.

You can apply this to any habit, such as:

If you want to read more, read one page right after getting into bed

If you want to start meditating, do it right after brushing your teeth

Step 4: Overcome Setbacks and Stay on Track

We all skip our healthy habits from time to time, even the small ones. So, the key here is to focus on progress over perfection.

Most of us approach habit-building with all-or-nothing thinking. If we miss one day, we automatically assume we’ve failed and throw in the towel.

This mindset leads to failure, as no one is perfect, and we all mess up sometimes.

To ensure you keep your new habit up, don’t let setbacks derail you. Instead, focus on doing your best consistently, even if that means starting over again and again. 

Even if you don’t improve 1% every single day, improving 1% MOST days is good enough!

Step 5: Take Action Today

Now you understand the power of small habits and the common pitfalls of habit formation, it’s time to take the first step.

Pick one small habit that aligns with your goals and commit to it daily. Remember to start small, choosing a habit that requires the least time and effort.

Then, affirm your new habit by commenting below and sharing what you will start doing. 

Sharing new habits with others is a great way to hold yourself accountable as well as gain support and encouragement!

Final Thoughts

To dive deeper into these five steps, watch the full episode on YouTube:

And if you need help deciding which habit to begin with, download my free Ultimate Morning Routine Menu

It’s a comprehensive list of morning routine activity ideas categorized into BODY, MIND, and SPIRIT categories, to help you choose the ones that best align with your goals. It’s full of inspiration for tiny habits that can help you improve your life!


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