


health coaching

How to Grow A Wildly Successful Health Coaching Business

June 13, 2018

I’m Kim.
I’m an M.D.-turned-entrepreneur and I’m dedicated to helping you build your dream career + lifestyle. Welcome to my blog, where I write (and podcast) about wellness, business + success!
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For all the health coaches out there, I know you went into this business so you could make a difference. You want to change lives — not the least of which is your own. You crave a life of freedom, fulfillment, and abundance. You dream of flexibility, independence, and the satisfaction that comes from knowing you are helping to transform peoples’ health.

In contrast, you did not dream of…

  • countless hours posting on social media
  • slaving away over tedious email newsletters…to crickets
  • soul-destroying days of hamster-wheel activities that don’t seem to get you anywhere

That’s why you’ll be happy to hear that there is another way.

Register here for my free training: How To Grow A Wildly Successful Health Coaching Business: A 3-Point Strategy

So many health coaches in my community have the same struggles and worries: they can’t seem to find enough clients. They either don’t know where to start when it comes to marketing themselves and getting their message out there, or they’re burning out with trying *all the strategies*, with all that exhausting hustling. They’re frustrated and disappointed…and wonder if they’ve make a big mistake.

Is that you?

Well, you’re in luck. Because I’ve made it my mission to help you find the incredible success you’ve been dreaming of. Why? Because after working for 19+ years as a family physician, I have come to realize the deep limitations of our traditional health care model…and, in contrast, have to come to see the incredible potential of health coaching, as a profession.

And it’s why, today, I am obsessed with helping health coaches get out there and get seen. I realized that If I can support a coach to grow her business and connect with the people who need her most, this is what happens: more people get the help they need to improve their own health, the burden on our healthcare system is lessened, and perhaps best of all: that health coach builds a career and a life she loves.

When health coaches thrive, everyone wins.

So a while ago I set out to crack the code for how health coaches can increase their visibility, connect with more clients, and help more people.

And that’s what I want to teach you in my free, on-demand webinar.

Here’s what you’ll learn inside this training:

  • The 3-step formula for how to get clients, especially when you’re first starting out.
  • How to get clients quickly (because there are bills that need to be paid!), but also…
  • How to lay the foundation for long-term growth (what you’ll learn is a multi-layered system, because it’s no good just finding a way to get a bunch of clients off the bat if you have no systems in place for continually finding new clients)
  • How to raise your profile, quickly, and be seen as an expert in your field (even if you’re just starting out)
  • How to leverage the BEST KEPT SECRET for getting clients, that hardly ANY other health coaches are doing…which means you will have virtually NO competition. If you can figure this out, before other coaches realize it, you will have a distinct advantage, and be well on your way to growing your 6-figure business.

So if you’re eager to get out there and help people, change lives, and build an amazing, fulfilling, freedom-based business…I want to help you with that.

Are you ready?

If you’re with me, here’s what to do next: click here to register for the online training, where I teach you all the things I mentioned above. (Be sure to have a notebook handy!)

Like I said, it’s my mission to help empower health coaches to grow their businesses so they can get out there & make the world a healthier place (plus create a wonderful, freedom-based business for themselves at the same time).

I hope you’ll let me help you do exactly that!

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