Have you ever felt like there’s an invisible wall between you and the life you want?
You set goals and make plans, yet somehow, you’re still in the same place, watching others achieve what you can only dream of.
You may be surprised to learn that there’s a hidden reason behind this frustration, and it’s something many of us unknowingly struggle with – limiting beliefs.
I’m talking about those silent, unexamined thoughts that convince us we’re not capable, worthy, or ready.
In this article, we’ll dive into what limiting beliefs are, how they subtly shape our choices, and, most importantly, how to recognize and reframe them to finally step into our fullest potential.
Whether you’re aiming for career success or personal growth, overcoming limiting beliefs is the first step to unlocking what you’re truly capable of.
What Are Limiting Beliefs & How Do They Affect Us?
Limiting beliefs are silent, self-imposed boundaries we unknowingly set for ourselves. They’re the whispered doubts that say, “I’m not good enough” or “People like me don’t succeed.”
But here’s the thing: they’re not facts; they’re just stories we tell ourselves.
Let me illustrate with a personal example…
As a teenager, I believed I was terrible at math and science. My friend’s sister dreamed of med school, but I thought, “I could never do that—I’m awful at those subjects and can’t stand blood.”
I carried this belief for years until a few surprising experiences—like doing well in math and actually enjoying dissections in biology—made me question it.
I realized then that this belief wasn’t a fact; it was just a story I’d been telling myself that had shaped my future.
The biggest obstacle between you and what you want isn’t a lack of skill, resources, or circumstances—it’s the hidden, limiting beliefs we carry.
These invisible walls quietly hold us back, often without us even noticing. So, the first step to breaking free from them is to identify them…
How To Recognize Your Limiting Beliefs
The tricky thing about limiting beliefs is that we all have different ones, so identifying them is not always straightforward.
Moreover, our limiting beliefs become so automatic and deeply ingrained that we don’t even notice them.
So how can we spot them?
Think about when something goes wrong in your life or when you’re faced with something new and difficult.
What thoughts pop into your mind?
Often, our automatic and recurring thoughts are directly linked to our limiting beliefs.
So when you hit a hurdle on a challenging project, your automatic thought might be, “I’m just not cut out for this.”
These repeated phrases point directly to your limiting beliefs, which is why I recommend writing down your thoughts whenever you notice them popping up.
Seeing these recurring thoughts on paper makes it easier to recognize them for what they are— thoughts, not facts.
You can also explore your limiting beliefs further by reflecting and journaling on the following questions:
- What do I think I don’t deserve, even though I want it?
- What stories do I tell myself when things aren’t going well?
- What do I believe I’m not capable of, and why?
How To Reframe Your Limiting Beliefs
Once you’ve identified your unique limiting beliefs, it’s time to change them.
This is challenging because we’ve carried them for so long and now accept them as facts. They unconsciously shape our actions (and inactions), creating a self-fulfilling cycle.
For example, if you believe you’re “not creative” or are “bad at public speaking,” you will avoid engaging in those areas. But as a result, you miss opportunities to grow and reinforce the belief even more.
Psychologist Dr. Carol Dweck calls this a “fixed mindset“—the belief that our abilities are unchangeable.
However, Dweck’s research offers hope in the form of a “growth mindset,” the idea that we can develop traits like creativity and resilience.
Therefore, the key to breaking limiting beliefs lies in reframing them. Instead of accepting them as fixed, see them as flexible.
Start by choosing one limiting belief, like “I’m not creative,” and ask, “Is this actually true, or just something I’ve believed for too long?”
Then, reframe it into a growth mindset statement like, “I can develop creativity through practice.”
This simple shift opens the door to new possibilities and empowers you to grow. With a growth mindset, you stop avoiding opportunities and look for small ways to improve your perceived weakness instead.
Building New Beliefs Through Small Actions
My morning coffee was a well-established ritual of mine for years. So, when I gave up caffeine, I knew I After identifying and reframing your limiting beliefs, the real challenge is believing your new, empowering thoughts.
Telling yourself, “I can become a better leader” or “I’m capable of getting in shape” is a good start, but if your mind has spent years believing otherwise, words alone won’t create the shift.
Many people get stuck here—they know the belief they want to adopt, but they don’t fully feel it yet.
To break this cycle, you need to start creating evidence that aligns with your new belief, which you can do through taking small, consistent actions.
In this week’s YouTube video, I explain in detail how you can build your new beliefs through small actions. I cover:
- How to choose manageable and consistent small steps
- The importance of repetition in building new beliefs
- How recording your wins can keep you on track
Here’s where you can watch:
I’d love to know what you think about this week’s topic.
Is this the first time you’ve heard about limiting beliefs? Can you already identify one of your own?
If so, comment below and let me know the limiting belief you will work on changing first!
Download my FREE Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life Workbook!

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