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Looking for a marketing tip for your wellness business, a success strategy, or a bit of inspiration for living well? I’ve been blogging about wellness, business, and life in general since 2011 … chances are, you’re going to find what you need here.
Inspiration for fabulous success & a life well-lived.
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Have you ever wondered what gives French women their seemingly effortless charm and undeniable confidence? Is it the accent, the style, or could there be something deeper at play? I pondered this same question years ago during my first visit to France. Now, after spending every summer in France with my family, I’ve learned a […]
You might have heard this: red wine is good for your health. But is it true? And what does it do for you, exactly? I’ve talked about wine before, on this blog, but I had the feeling a more comprehensive roundup of wine’s health benefits was warranted. Are you a wine lover? Curious about the specifics […]
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I’m always happy to report when there’s good news about chocolate. And here’s the latest: a recent study found an association between chocolate consumption and a reduced risk of stroke. The study was conducted in Sweden and examined the dietary habits of more than 37,000 men aged 45-79. Researchers found that the men who ate […]
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We already know that wine is full of antioxidants, is good for your heart, and reduces your risk of stroke…but now a recent study has suggested that wine may actually improve your bone health, too. I’m going to go ahead and file this news under Y for Yesss. In fact, this isn’t the first study to […]
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In my first post on this topic, Passport to Slim: Weight Loss Secrets from Around the World, I talked about how (and why) other countries kick our butts all over the place in terms of staying trim & healthy. But there’s no need to despair–we can (shamelessly) steal those ideas, and use them for our own […]
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People bat around the word superfood pretty blithely these days, which is easy, because there’s no real definition. Scientists tend to use the term “functional food” (meaning: food which provides a clinically proven and documented health benefit) but it’s not quite as sexy, is it? Anyway, I like the term superfood, but I try to reserve […]
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It’s like Voldemort. It strikes such fear into people’s hearts, some of us are afraid to even speak the word, for fear of invoking the name…but let’s just say it: Cancer. Everybody is afraid of cancer. It’s the elephant in the room for many, many of my patient visits. Occasionally people will vocalize their fear, but often it’s lurking there, unsaid. […]
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I’ve written about chocolate in the past, of course. But…I think it’s a topic worth revisiting, don’t you? Especially this time of year. To that end, I recently dug into the research and created a handy little roundup of the top health benefits of chocolate. I compiled no fewer than six reasons chocolate is good for you, and I […]
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When I was younger I used to avoid nuts because of their high fat content. You too? Fortunately, we now know about the blissful thing called “healthy fat“. There’s no doubt, nuts do contain a lot of fat, but most of it is the monounsaturated kind (same stuff that’s in olive oil). And that sort of fat is good for your cholesterol profile, […]
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I’ll admit it: I’m a little obsessed with Europe. In the past I’ve written about the French Paradox , and there’s a big part of me that would like to be reborn in this life as a French woman (and not only because spa treatments are considered part of the French healthcare system). Also, I […]
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Have you ever wondered what gives French women their seemingly effortless charm and undeniable confidence? Is it the accent, the style, or could there be something deeper at play? I pondered this same question years ago during my first visit to France. Now, after spending every summer in France with my family, I’ve learned a […]
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Do you often feel overwhelmed by distractions or have an ever-growing to-do list that prevents you from zeroing in on what truly matters? This is a struggle I know well. A few years ago, I was juggling my career as a doctor, managing my household, building a coaching side hustle, and raising two young children. […]
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You’ve probably heard all the advice about what to do to lose weight—eat healthier, exercise more, drink water, etc. But if you’ve tried all the diets and fitness fads and still aren’t seeing results, it might be time to consider what you need to STOP doing. You see, often, it’s not about adding more to […]
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Are you feeling stuck, frustrated, and unfulfilled? Do you feel like you’re carrying around a heavy backpack filled with bricks? Be it physical possessions, toxic relationships, or unhealthy habits, we all sometimes cling to things in life even when we know they’re no longer serving us. Why? Because letting go is so damn hard. Our […]
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Do you wish you could lead a healthier lifestyle, but your busy schedule is holding you back? I get it; most of us lead hectic lives, which makes prioritizing our health and wellness challenging. But here’s the thing… You don’t need to spend hours in the kitchen or at the gym to be healthy. In […]
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Have you ever found yourself in a social situation where you felt completely out of place, stumbling over words and wishing you could disappear? We’ve all been there! But what if I told you that learning how to deal with those moments is the key to building confidence? Yes, that’s right. If you want to […]
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The podcast for people who want to master the art of living well.
I help health & wellness coaches create successful businesses and get a steady stream of new clients, so they can have the freedom, fulfillment, and financial abundance they desire.
Enneagram 3, obsessed with Paris, running, and good coffee.
As an MD-turned-coach, I’m on a mission to provide women with the guidance, support, and tools they need to build wildly successful businesses as health & wellness coaches.
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