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Looking for a marketing tip for your wellness business, a success strategy, or a bit of inspiration for living well? I’ve been blogging about wellness, business, and life in general since 2011 … chances are, you’re going to find what you need here.

Inspiration for fabulous success & a life well-lived.

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How often have you talked yourself out of doing something you want to do? How many times have you said, “I’m not ready,” or “I don’t have time”? If, like most of us, the answer is many, you’re likely letting self-doubt and fear run your life. Self-doubt is very sneaky. It masks itself as a […]

How To Crush Self-Doubt: A Doctor’s Guide To Fearless Living

I’m Kim.
I’m an M.D.-turned-entrepreneur and I’m dedicated to helping you build your dream career + lifestyle. Welcome to my blog, where I write (and podcast) about wellness, business + success!
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I’m always happy to report when there’s good news about chocolate. And here’s the latest: a recent study found an association between chocolate consumption and a reduced risk of stroke. The study was conducted in Sweden and examined the dietary habits of more than 37,000 men aged 45-79. Researchers found that the men who ate […]

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A recent study showed that people in their 40s with a wide circle of friends have a greater sense of well-being than those without close friendships. (As a side note, the researchers behind this study are calling these ages “mid-life” which, PS, people: I staunchly refuse to do. Hovering, as I am, close to 40 I will probably […]

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We already know that wine is full of antioxidants, is good for your heart, and reduces your risk of stroke…but now a recent study has suggested that wine may actually improve your bone health, too. I’m going to go ahead and file this news under Y for Yesss. In fact, this isn’t the first study to […]

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This was one of my very first posts…and since I happen to be in France right now on a family vacay I thought it a good time to re-run this favorite of mine: Wouldn’t it be fabulous to indulge in buttery croissants and triple crème brie, all while maintaining a size four silhouette and the blood […]

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Skipping vacations may make you feel better in the pocketbook department…but did you know it’s a bad idea for your health? Over on my blog on Yummy Mummy Club I recently wrote a post about the health dangers you’re flirting with if you neglect to take a vacation now and then. You can read it […]

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I know–when life is throwing you curveballs, your impulse is to bee-line for the freezer (chocolate chip cookie dough Haagen-Dazs, anyone?) or the snack cupboard (hello, Sea Salt & Vinegar Kettle chips…). But that’s not going to make anything better. Especially not your coronary arteries. Or your muffin top. So I’ve rounded up some healthier options–and snack […]

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Finding the time to achieve a healthy lifestyle is challenging. Big-time. Exercise takes time, preparing healthy meals takes time, getting sufficient sleep takes time. But there are only so many hours in the day, right? To that end, I’ve got a suggestion that may help: scale back on housework. On my blog on Yummy Mummy Club I posted […]

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I’m a big fan of the spa. And my all-time fave spa treatment? Massage therapy. I’ve long been convinced that it’s more than just an indulgence. A professional, therapeutic massage is so relaxing and feels so great…there just has to be health benefit, right? Right. In case you’re in need of a little justification, here are 7 reasons to treat yourself to […]

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I’ve written about chocolate in the past, of course. But…I think it’s a topic worth revisiting, don’t you? Especially this time of year. To that end, I recently dug into the research and created a handy little roundup of the top health benefits of chocolate. I compiled no fewer than six reasons chocolate is good for you, and I […]

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The Wellness Project with
Dr. Kim Foster

The podcast for people who want to master the art of living well.

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I help health & wellness coaches create successful businesses and get a steady stream of new clients, so they can have the freedom, fulfillment, and financial abundance they desire.


Enneagram 3, obsessed with Paris, running, and good coffee.

As an MD-turned-coach, I’m on a mission to provide women with the guidance, support, and tools they need to build wildly successful businesses as health & wellness coaches.

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