I know–when life is throwing you curveballs, your impulse is to bee-line for the freezer (chocolate chip cookie dough Haagen-Dazs, anyone?) or the snack cupboard (hello, Sea Salt & Vinegar Kettle chips…).
But that’s not going to make anything better. Especially not your coronary arteries. Or your muffin top.
So I’ve rounded up some healthier options–and snack choices that may actually help you cope with that stress.
Try these:
Spinach salad. The magnesium in spinach can help regulate cortisol (a key stress hormone).
Walnuts. These yummy nuts have been shown to decrease blood pressure during stressful events.
Mandarin oranges. Vitamin C can decrease cortisol levels.
Gum. Okay, technically not a snack, but certainly something you can chew on–and studies have shown that chewing gum improves mental performance and decreases stress and anxiety.
Oatmeal. Complex carbs can help lower stress.
Tea, green or black. Tea, among its many health benefits, has been shown to decrease cortisol levels.
Guacamole & baked pita chips. The potassium in avocado can help lower your blood pressure, and the crunch in the pita chips will help satisfy that need for…well, something crunchy.
Salmon. Fatty fish is an excellent source of omega-3, and studies show that people with anxiety may be deficient in the omega-3 department. Replacing this insufficiency can improve symptoms of stress and anxiety.