
wicked healthy

Curious what it means to be Wicked Healthy?

Here’s my thinking:

Some health gurus can be a bit, well, dogmatic. And absolutely impossible to emulate. Who can maintain these standards? No real humans I’ve ever met. Do you need to follow a strictly vegan lifestyle and forevermore shun wine, caffeine, chocolate, salt, non-organic produce, and television. Better question: would you even want to?

There’s an absurd amount of health advice out there. Get more sleep! Exercise every day! Eat fish, but watch out for the mercury content! Floss!

Sometimes it gets a bit overwhelming. Which, itself, can lead to major guilt and stress. And that’s not healthy! Granted, I’m one of those people dishing out health advice on a regular basis. But I certainly don’t expect anyone to doggedly follow every tip and recommedation that rolls off my tongue.

My feeling? Somewhere, there’s a sweet spot. Making healthy choices that work for you, as an individual. Doing your best. And shutting out the rest of the noise.  

When I blog about being wicked healthy, this is what I’m talking about.

Also, sometimes I come across stuff that, by popular conception, is considered sinful. Anathema to a healthy lifestyle. And sometimes it turns out those things can actually be good for you. That’s the other stuff I file under “wicked healthy”.

Here are my confessions: I love steak. I need brie. Life is not worth living if I can’t have coffee.

The big question is this: can you be healthy and not follow all the “perfect health” advice? Can you be “wicked” and still be healthy?

My answer: You betcha.

In fact, I believe that by giving yourself permission to include your faves (in a savvy way, of course!) that your health will improve more, long-term, than if you attempted to twist yourself up in knots to be perfect…which is completely unattainable anyway.

And that’s when you become Wicked Healthy.

{If you’re with me, here’s more wicked stuff}:


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