



Insider Marketing Secrets For Health & Wellness Entrepreneurs

Stop Struggling With Sales In Your Health Coaching Business

June 8, 2022

I’m Kim.
I’m an M.D.-turned-entrepreneur and I’m dedicated to helping you build your dream career + lifestyle. Welcome to my blog, where I write (and podcast) about wellness, business + success!
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If you’re in the business of helping people change their lives, then you’ve got some unique marketing challenges that come with speaking to the people in your desired target market.

In this episode, I sit down with Jackie Bebenroth, a Change Marketer. Jackie draws from two decades of experience as a brand strategist and entrepreneur, to help visionary leaders achieve transformation inside their businesses and beyond. 

Jackie has developed a communication methodology called the Change Stage Framework, which is proven to connect, convert and cultivate audiences for sustained impact and business growth. 

Now at her agency, Muse, she leads a team of strategists and creatives who are dialed in to the needs of clients specifically in the nutrition and wellness segments, where behavior and lifestyle change is a prerequisite to success. 

Here’s where you can listen in to our conversation:

As she’s been doing this work, Jackie has picked up a few awards and accolades along the way, most notably an SXSW Interactive finalist award and also the Content Marketing Institute’s Content Marketing Leader of the Year.

Insider Marketing Secrets For Health & Wellness Entrepreneurs

Here are some of the things you’ll learn…

  • What is change marketing?
  • The difference between changing minds vs. changing mindsets.
  • How to convince our clients that they need a mindset change
  • How to help our clients to overcome a fear of change
  • Understanding the evolving customer journey.
  • The one marketing stage you DON’T to waste your money on
  • The stages of the Change Marketing framework, and what marketing activities make sense at each stage

…and lots more!

I’d love to hear from you on this. How do you feel about your marketing approach in your business right now? What was your biggest “aha” moment from this episode?

Let me know in the comments below or find me on Instagram and let me know!

More Helpful Resources:


How To Build A 6-Figure Health Coaching Business Using One Signature Program

The 3 behind-the-scenes secrets to financial freedom … without exhaustion, burnout, or being a slave to social media.

  • discover the exact blueprint to having the impact & life you desire
  • learn the single biggest mistake new health & wellness coaches make (and what to do instead)
  • find out how to design a signature program, step by step (including how to price your offer — yes, I give you real numbers!)

…and more!

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