



How To Recession-Proof Your Business

April 12, 2023

I’m Kim.
I’m an M.D.-turned-entrepreneur and I’m dedicated to helping you build your dream career + lifestyle. Welcome to my blog, where I write (and podcast) about wellness, business + success!
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You may not want to think about this, but I want to ask you: how ready are you for times of crisis, like a recession? Specifically, if you’re building a business, how ready is your BUSINESS for unforeseen challenges?

Today I have a guest with me who is an expert at creating systems so that your business can run like a well-oiled machine not only so that you can grow, but also so that you can weather the storms that might be coming your way.

Here’s where you can listen in to our conversation:

Stacy Tuschl started her own business at the age of 18 in her parents’ backyard and turned that company into a multi-million dollar business she still runs today.  

Stacy is a bestselling author and founder of Well Oiled Operations, where she helps small business owners around the world create systems that facilitate growth. Her podcast, Well Oiled Operations, now has over 2 million downloads and she has interviewed guests like Suze Orman.  

Stacy was also named the 2019 Wisconsin Small Business Person of the Year by the United States Small Business Administration.

It was my pleasure to bring Stacy on to the show and sit down with her and pick her brain about how business owners can prepare and pivot even during hard times…and I think you’re going to find her advice really reassuring for one, and very actionable, for another.

Here’s where you can watch the YouTube video of our conversation:

How To Recession-Proof Your Business

I hope you enjoyed sitting in on my conversation …. I’d love to hear your thoughts on what we discussed, and I’m curious – what is one action step you’re going to take right now to prepare for future challenges?

Comment below or find me on Instagram and let me know! I’d love to hear from you.

More Helpful Resources:


How To Build A 6-Figure Health Coaching Business Using One Signature Program

The 3 behind-the-scenes secrets to financial freedom … without exhaustion, burnout, or being a slave to social media.

  • discover the exact blueprint to having the impact & life you desire
  • learn the single biggest mistake new health & wellness coaches make (and what to do instead)
  • find out how to design a signature program, step by step (including how to price your offer — yes, I give you real numbers!)

…and more!

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