When you’re trying to lose weight, one of the things you might want to do is work on boosting your metabolism. After all, if you can train your body to burn more calories, it’ll be easier to lose the weight you’d like to, right? Well, there are definitely ways to do this, but it’s not exactly as simple as it sounds.
Here’s where you can listen in to our conversation:
In this podcast episode and YouTube video I explain what it means to boost your metabolism, and I give you some tips on how to know what’s going on inside your body, including a very cool way of measuring your metabolism using a device called Lumen that I’ve been trying myself and absolutely loving.
I also share 4 practical ways to optimize your metabolism so you can more easily reach your weight loss goals!
Here’s where you can watch the video:
How To Increase Metabolism (Intermittent Fasting Benefits)
I hope you enjoy it and find it helpful!
I’m also curious to know: if you’re on a weight loss journey currently, how is it going? Either comment below the video on YouTube or just hit “reply” and let me know!
More Helpful Resources:
Save $50 off Lumen here
Use this discount code for $50 off: DRKIM for $50 off
Download my free Intermittent Fasting Tips
Attend my Free Class: How To Chart A Path To Your Dream Career As A Wellness Coach
More Useful Links:
- Follow Dr. Kim on Instagram and get a BTS look at the latest tips & strategies for a life well-lived: https://instagram.com/drkimfoster
- Curious about health & wellness coaching? Download the career guide: https://drkimfoster.com/guide

How To Chart A Path To Your Dream Career As A Wellness Coach
The 3 Secrets For Stepping Into A Meaningful New Career Without Wasting Time Or Money
- find out why health & wellness coaching is a skyrocketing industry that can provide the freedom and fulfillment you’ve been craving
- discover the 3 biggest myths about health & wellness coaching that will hold you back (and what the truth is instead)
- learn the secret sauce for getting amazing results for your clients (and building a profitable business as a wellness coach)
…and more!

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