


Living Well

What Is Human Design and Can It Optimize Your Health?

May 10, 2023

I’m Kim.
I’m an M.D.-turned-entrepreneur and I’m dedicated to helping you build your dream career + lifestyle. Welcome to my blog, where I write (and podcast) about wellness, business + success!
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Can Human Design help improve your health and well-being? The field of Human Design is an interesting topic that I really didn’t know much about, to be honest, before having this conversation with my guest today.

Kelsey Abbott is an intuitive Human Design and Money Coach who uses science, spirituality, and play to help people welcome more ease, abundance, and joy into their lives.

Kelsey has a scientific background, like me, so it was interesting to hear about her journey into this more spiritual world, and the difference that it has made for her, personally, as well as her clients.

Here’s where you can listen to the podcast episode:

In addition to being a coach, Kelsey also lives a wonderful life in Florida, as she is also an accomplished triathlon racer and takes plenty of time to play in nature with her husband and her dog, Zumi.

One of the things that we talk about in this episode is the various ways that Human Design can influence your health, and how you can use it to optimize your well-being if you feel called to go further down the path with Human Design.

We talk about the fact that we are all different and we are all unique, and how what works for one person is not going to work for another person – something that I know to be true from my many years in the medical field.

What I enjoyed learning about, in terms of Human Design, during this conversation with Kelsey, is the permission to be unique, and the permission to listen to your intuition, which I think are things that so many of us have had drummed out of us.

Here’s where you can watch the video:

What Is Human Design and Can It Optimize Your Health?

I hope you enjoyed sitting in on my conversation with Kelsey! I’d love to hear your thoughts, and I’m curious – is Human Design something that you use currently? If it is, I’d love to know how your experience has been with it, and how it has helped you.

Comment below or find me on Instagram and let me know! I’d love to hear from you.

Connect with Kelsey Abbott:

Free Human Design Chart

More Helpful Resources:


How To Chart A Path To Your Dream Career As A Wellness Coach

The 3 Secrets For Stepping Into A Meaningful New Career Without Wasting Time Or Money

  • find out why health & wellness coaching is a skyrocketing industry that can provide the freedom and fulfillment you’ve been craving
  • discover the 3 biggest myths about health & wellness coaching that will hold you back (and what the truth is instead)
  • learn the secret sauce for getting amazing results for your clients (and building a profitable business as a wellness coach)

…and more!

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