


Living Well

6 Common Skin Care Mistakes To Fix Right Now

March 13, 2024

I’m Kim.
I’m an M.D.-turned-entrepreneur and I’m dedicated to helping you build your dream career + lifestyle. Welcome to my blog, where I write (and podcast) about wellness, business + success!
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Is the condition of your skin becoming increasingly worse, and you’re unsure why?

While there are many causes of bad skin, it is often due to skincare mistakes we unknowingly make.

Finding a skincare routine that keeps your skin fresh, clear, and youthful is an ongoing journey of trial and error.

So, in this week’s article and YouTube video, I’m sharing the 6 most common skincare mistakes I’ve encountered as an M.D. to help you identify some potential errors.

And don’t worry; along with pinpointing the problems, I’ll be sharing the solutions… 

1. Ignoring what you put INTO your body

Now, you might be surprised by this first one, as usually, when we talk about skincare, we think of products we put ON our skin.

But it’s crucial to mention that what goes INTO our body influences our skin much more than we realize. 

You may have heard of the gut-brain axis (the relationship between our gut and our mood), but did you know there is also a gut-skin axis?

While we’re only starting to understand this, initial research shows that a healthy balance of gut microbiota is crucial for optimal skin health.

Certain foods are known to increase inflammatory skin diseases like acne and eczema. So, pay attention to what you are eating.

Check out this video to learn more about the best foods for healthy skin.

2. Over-exfoliating

Scrubbing your skin with gritty, beady exfoliators can feel very satisfying, but it can actually do more harm than good. 

Exfoliating scrubs can lead to microtearing and damage, so you should limit exfoliating to 2-3 times a week.

Better still, I recommend switching to chemical exfoliants. 

While you may be apprehensive about putting more chemicals on your skin, chemical exfoliants are gentler than scrubs. This is because they gently loosen the bonds between dead skin cells rather than aggressively scrub them away.

3. Skipping moisturizer

If you have oily skin, you might think you should skip moisturizer.

However, moisturizing is an essential part of skincare for everyone, regardless of skin type. In fact, skipping moisturizer can increase oil production further.

Moisturizing keeps your skin hydrated, and hydrated skin looks plump and feels soft. You might have also noticed that when you moisturize, the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles diminishes.

But while moisturizing is super beneficial, you shouldn’t just use any moisturizer. Instead, choose one that is tailored to your skin type.

For example, if you’re prone to oily skin or acne, opt for a noncomedogenic moisturizer that won’t clog or block your pores.

4. Neglecting your neck and décolletage

Skincare extends further than your face. But one common mistake I see in women is focusing ONLY on caring for the skin on their faces.

As a result, their neck shows signs of aging and environmental damage like sun exposure.

The skin of your neck is thinner and more delicate, so it ages faster than the skin on your face. You might notice sagging and fine lines developing if you don’t extend your skincare routine to your neck.

The décolletage (upper chest) is another area that shows signs of aging if neglected. Along with the development of wrinkles, this area can become damaged from the sun without you realizing it.

5. Picking at blemishes

I know that leaving blemishes alone is easier said than done. But constantly picking spots is one of the most common and damaging skin care mistakes you can make.

You might think squeezing a spot helps as it releases pus. But it also breaks the skin, which introduces bacteria and sparks inflammation. 

Not only does it make the area red and sore, but it leads to potential scarring and a prolonged healing process.

Instead of picking at your breakouts, I recommend applying targeted spot treatments like benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid.

6. Inconsistent skincare routine

Lastly, starting a new skincare routine is no good if you do not follow it consistently.

Whether it’s cleansers, moisturizers, or serums, these products deliver the best results when you use them regularly and consistently. 

You know those claims skincare products make, like “9 out of 10 users saw reduced signs of aging’, this claim is based on the product being used daily for a specific period.

So, to get the most effectiveness from your skincare products (and avoid wasting money), develop and stick to a consistent routine.

To dive deeper into these 6 skincare mistakes, watch the full YouTube video:

Final thoughts

Which of these 6 skincare mistakes are you guilty of?

We have all (including me) been guilty of making several of these mistakes before, so there is no shame in it.

The good news is that you CAN turn it around. So comment below and let me know which skincare mistake you’ll be working on first!

Let me know in the comments below, or find me on Instagram and send me a DM!


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