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How She Did It: Nikki Stadnyk

December 5, 2018

I’m Kim.
I’m an M.D.-turned-entrepreneur and I’m dedicated to helping you build your dream career + lifestyle. Welcome to my blog, where I write (and podcast) about wellness, business + success!
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I love showcasing the success stories of health coaches and wellness entrepreneurs who are positively on fire in their businesses. And today we’re going to be hearing from Nikki Stadnyk!

Nikki is a Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant based in Alberta, Canada, who has built a thriving business (as you’ll see in the interview below).

She has learned a lot about what works and what doesn’t, and also has some wonderful wisdom around what it takes to grow a business and claiming a healthy mindset around selling!

Hi, Nikki! Tell us about your business, Nikki’s Nutrition Inc, in 1-2 sentences:

I collaborate with pharmacies to help them deliver high quality nutrition services that are delivered by Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultants.

How long have you been in business?

I have been running my nutrition business since 2014.

What’s your niche?

My niche is Metabolic Syndrome.

How did you get your first client?

My first client was not a paying client.  I offered my services to each of the staff members of the first pharmacy that I worked with.  I figured that would be the best way for them to get to know and trust me and therefore promote my services to their patients. I was so bad then but it worked!

What is the biggest lesson you learned in your first year in business?

The biggest lesson was the realization that I had to run a business in order to work with clients.  It wasn’t something that I was actually aware of when I went to school. I went to school to learn about nutrition not how to run a company. All I wanted to do was help people eat better, do better and feel better I didn’t realize that I would be having to do all the business stuff too.

Why do you love doing this kind of work?

I absolutely love hearing, “Wow, I feel so much better!” It really is the biggest reward knowing that I helped someone improve their health.

What’s the best part of being in business for yourself?

The best part of being in business for myself is creating my schedule.  If I want to go to a regularly scheduled fitness class or I have an appointment, or my kids are coming home for an extended weekend, I can schedule my clients around that.

How did getting clear on your ideal client or niche help you enroll new clients?

When I got clear on my ideal client it helped me to create advertisements, challenges and promotions that spoke directly to them.

How did developing your signature program(s) help you enroll clients?

Once my program was set up it took all the hard work off of my desk / kitchen table.  It left me with tons of time to actually work with people and do things to attract my ideal client.

What were you most worried about when you were starting out or trying to reach the next level?

I was worried about saying something wrong.  I always questioned myself, “Am I right? Do I have science to back that up?  Where are my references?”  I was also worried about offending pharmacists.  Right off the bat I learned that they are turned off by the word holistic. Seeing as that was part of my title, it was a tough obstacle to overcome.  I spent time educating them on who I am, what I do and continually reassuring them that I would never recommend that their patients stop taking their medications.  There is a time and a place for both, although there is always a time for healthy whole food and living a great lifestyle.

Did you get support (eg. investing in a program or coaching) to help you grow? If so, what was the biggest breakthrough you got from that experience?

The two programs that I took after I graduated from CSNN were Andrea Nakayama’s Full Body Systems, and Josh Gitalis’s Functional Nutrition Certification.  These helped me get through my mental barrier of, “Do I know my stuff?” After these courses I absolutely did, and I stopped questioning myself and focused on doing my job.

Describe your breakthrough moment when it came to signing on new clients?

Selling always felt icky to me but one day I realized that I wasn’t selling, I was offering a solution to their problem and that the exchange of money was just a way for me to keep doing what I am meant to do.

What’s your biggest tip for health coaches when it comes to getting clients?

Keep trying! There are people out there that need you exactly for who you are.  Even though there are hundreds of health coaches in this space trying to do the same business, people will resonate with you because of who you are.

Check out my website at www.nikkisnutrition.com to see how I have created a bridge between the pharmacy world and holistic nutrition or shoot me a message at nikki@nikkisnutrition.com

Thanks, Nikki! I think readers will gain a ton of inspiration from your story!

If you’re intrigued by the idea of connecting with healthcare professionals (like MDs and pharmacists, like Nikki does)…then you may be interested in my free guide for health coaches on how to get MD referrals. Go ahead and grab that PDF by clicking on the thumbnail below.

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