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Looking for a marketing tip for your wellness business, a success strategy, or a bit of inspiration for living well? I’ve been blogging about wellness, business, and life in general since 2011 … chances are, you’re going to find what you need here.
Inspiration for fabulous success & a life well-lived.
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Life isn’t easy, and sometimes, it gets the better of us. I know firsthand how overwhelming it can feel when everything is spiraling out of control. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and like your life is out of your control right now, know that you’re not alone, and you won’t stay in this place forever. Life […]
The people of Greece have figured a lot of things out when it comes to knowing how to live a happy, healthy life. It makes sense–Greece is the birthplace of Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine. Have you ever been to Greece? My husband and I went many years ago, in the BC years (Before Children, of course). […]
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I love dining in restaurants. I mean, delicious food professionally prepared just for me, while I relax and sip my wine…and someone else washes the dishes afterwards? Yes, please. But…I don’t necessarily love what restaurants do to my waistline. Or my heart health. And a little carrot icon next to a supposedly-healthy menu item is totally not enough for me […]
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Whether you love Valentine’s Day, or whether you loathe it…everyone can appreciate a little health boost now and then, am I right? Valentine’s Day and chocolate go hand in hand. Feeling a little guilty about your favorite indulgence? Don’t. Here’s why chocolate is good for you. (Yes, you read that right.) And speaking of pleasurable indulgences…here’s […]
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A new study was released recently that makes a connection between the regular intake of berries, like strawberries and blueberries, and a reduced risk of heart attacks in women. The study was big: 93,000 subjects strong. The timeline was long: the women were monitored for a period of 18 years. And the benefit was significant: heart […]
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Passport To Health is one of my favorite topics…it allows me to talk about two things I love: health and travel. As I’ve said before, we North Americans may be many things, but one thing we’re not? Svelte. Fact is, we can learn a lot from other countries. (And shamelessly steal their health secrets.) Today, […]
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(One of my favorite old posts…please indulge me in this re-boot, as I’m busy writing like mad, lost in fictional worlds…) Used to be, all fats were considered bad. We gobbled down low-fat versions of everything, assuming this was the path to true health. This was not a good time in dietary history, as far as I’m […]
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You might have heard this: red wine is good for your health. But is it true? And what does it do for you, exactly? I’ve talked about wine before, on this blog, but I had the feeling a more comprehensive roundup of wine’s health benefits was warranted. Are you a wine lover? Curious about the specifics […]
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Now I hope this doesn’t cause anyone to lose sleep…but a recent study has shown that people with high blood pressure who also suffer insomnia are much more likely to have resistant high blood pressure (meaning, the kind we just can’t control with medication). Which, to me, adds to the growing body of research that demonstrates the […]
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I have long maintained that stress is a major, under-recognized trigger for illness and unwell. I have little doubt that stress contributed to my own health crisis. And now, an important study has come out validating that connection. The study was published this week in the British Medical Journal. It was a large study, looking at […]
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Life isn’t easy, and sometimes, it gets the better of us. I know firsthand how overwhelming it can feel when everything is spiraling out of control. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and like your life is out of your control right now, know that you’re not alone, and you won’t stay in this place forever. Life […]
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Four years ago, I made the scariest (and most freeing) decision of my life: walking away from my six-figure career as a doctor. At the time, I didn’t have a map of what came next. It was a HUGE leap into the unknown. Fast forward to today, and what I’ve gained has been nothing short […]
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There’s an old story that always sticks in my mind about a traveler who comes across three bricklayers hard at work. The traveler approaches the first bricklayer and asks, “What are you doing?” The worker replies, “I’m laying bricks.” He asks the second guy the same thing, who says, “I’m building a wall.” Then he […]
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Looking back on my 20s feels like opening a treasure chest of lessons. That decade was a whirlwind of excitement, opportunity, and growth, but it also came with its fair share of uncertainty and missteps. If I could sit down with my 20-year-old self, there’s so much I’d want to share—advice that could have spared […]
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We all know money troubles can take a toll on our mental health, but did you realize they can affect every area of your life? The stress of financial uncertainty influences the choices we make, often at the expense of our physical health and overall wellbeing. This week, I’m diving into the hidden ways financial […]
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What if I told you the biggest obstacle to transforming your life isn’t a lack of goals or effort? Most people think the answer to change lies in setting more goals or simply working harder. While those things can help, they’re not what drives true, lasting transformation. The secret? It’s all about your identity — […]
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The podcast for people who want to master the art of living well.
I help health & wellness coaches create successful businesses and get a steady stream of new clients, so they can have the freedom, fulfillment, and financial abundance they desire.
Enneagram 3, obsessed with Paris, running, and good coffee.
As an MD-turned-coach, I’m on a mission to provide women with the guidance, support, and tools they need to build wildly successful businesses as health & wellness coaches.
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